Chapter 79

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"I'm in position, boss. I have a clear view of the condo."

"Okay, watch closely for an opportunity. We only have one chance."



Craig closes his door and sets his backpack down.

He lays down on the bed, exhausted.

Tweek sits on top of Craig's stomach, placing his hands on his chest, "Did you already forget our conversation."

"Nope. I'm just waiting for you to reprimand me."

"Be careful what you wish for."

Tweek moves Craig's hands over his head on the bed, he puts all of his weight down on his wrists to hold him in place. He bites Craig's ear, then his neck.

Craig smiles, "God damn, you are so fucking sexy, Tweek..."


"I have a clear shot boss, may I?"

"Please do."


Tweek traces his hands down Craig's arms and kisses him. Then he sits up and places his hands around Craig's neck.

"Oh? This could get pretty kinky if you keep this up..." Craig smiles as Tweek lightly tightens his grip on Craigs neck.

Tweeks grip gets tighter and tighter.

"A bit... to much..."

Tweek puts his weight on Craigs neck and squeezes as hard as he can. Craig cannot breathe.

He throws his arms around, trying to push Tweek off. He didn't want to use force on Tweek but if he didn't he might pass out from a lack of air.

Craig pushes Tweek back and coughs, holding his throat. "Jesus! Are you trying to kill me?!"

Tweek shoots a beam of lightning at Craigs head. It misses by an inch.

Craig gets off his bed and slowly backs up towards the kitchen. "Tweek? This is going too far."

More lightning flies through the air but Craig dodges it.

Tweek raises one arm up and prepares to snap his fingers.

Craig knew this move. He had seen it when he first got into the foundation. If he didn't get out of the room fast he was as good as dead.

Craig quickly grabs Stripe from his cage and rolls out the door just in time. He hears crumbling, the walls probably got blasted.

Stan and Wendy come running around the corner.

Wendy bends down there Craig is while Stan peaks into the room. "Craig? What's going on? We heard a loud bang."

Craig catches his breath. "We need to run, something has gotten into Tweek. He's trying to kill me."

Stan peaks into the condo, "Why would he do that? I'm sure if we just talk to hi-"

A blast of lightning flies past Stan.

Wendy gasps and pulls Stan back.

"See?! We need to get out of here."

Stan kisses Wendy. "Go tell Tim what's happening, Craig and I will hold him back."

"Okay, be careful."

Wendy runs off.

"What? We need to run!"

Stan takes off his jacket, "If he gets to the other levels there's no telling what kind of damage he could do."

"We can't fight him! He's too strong and we could hurt him!"

"Try to think logically, Craig. Get it together."

Craig stands up and puts Stripe in the pocket of his shirt and buttons it so he is secure. "Right, sorry."

Stan walks in, "Tweek? It's Stan, what's going on, dude?"

"Stan... you aren't my target... just leave."

"Target? What are you talking about?"

"I need to kill Craig Tucker. Nothing is safe if he's alive."

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