Chapter 76

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Tweek is tied to a wooden table this time. A new man he hadn't seen before comes in holding a tray. He can't see what's on it but he assumes it's his next dose of the serum they had created to control him.

The man holds up a syringe and flicks it twice with his middle finger. "This, my dear prisoner, is bullet ant venom. This ant got its name from how painful it's bite is. Just one bite feels like you've been shot. Of course, bugs are small... so we had to kill a lot of them to get this."

He holds up the syringe. It is completely full of venom.

Tweek starts to shake. He could handle the pain of being whipped but venom may be where he draws the line. The syringe held 100x more venom than the bug itself did. He knew this was going to be the most painful thing he will ever feel.

"Please don't."

He inches the syringe closer and closer to Tweeks arm. Tweek tries to pull away but his arm is tied to the table. He was stuck.

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Knowing he couldn't escape, he began to prepare himself for the incoming pain.

He pictures Craig again, holding him, keeping him safe.

The needle enters his skin and the venom is slowly injected. He doesn't feel anything. He begins to think the man may have been lying.

He opens his eyes to see the man smiling a big deranged smile at him. "And in 3... 2... 1..."


Every muscle in Tweeks body begins to spasm, as if trying to escape his skin. His eyes were open so wide he felt like that might pop out. He was screaming louder than he thought possible.


The world spins around Tweek. Everything he saw had a blue and red outline. He was thrashing against the table.

After 20 minutes, the pain starts to fade and his body stops moving.

He struggles to catch his breath. He breathes like he had almost downed.

The man picks up another syringe from the table. "Care for another dose?"

"No... no.... No no no no... NO!!!!"

Tweek begins to scream again, his throat was starting to hurt from the sounds he was making.


The man flicks the syringe again and brings it to Tweeks arm. "Let's see how long your voice holds up."

Tweek closes his eyes and screams again. He screams and screams and screams.

No pain. He can't feel it.

He opens his eyes. The man is gone. No, not gone, he was on the floor. He was being pummeled into the ground. Fast punches fly into his face until he stops moving.

Craig stands up and looks down at the body. "Burn in hell."

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