Chapter 4

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The plane lands on the roof of the tall city building that contained FP headquarters.

"Alright, Craig. Come with me to the bosses office."

Craig takes his pet cage and follows Tweek through the building. Everything was well lit and organized. A very modern building with lots of windows. It was 12 stories high.

"Tweek, is all of this FP?"

"Yeah. This floor is the publicity department. The next two floors are residential, then it's team B headquarters, then team A, then weapons and potions, then research. The rest are offices. The doctor is on the third floor."

They get into the elevator. It's made of glass so they could see the building structure as they went down.

"This place looks expensive."

"Yep. Once you sign a contract I can explain why. For now, save your questions. There's only so much I can disclose."

"Copy that."

"Your voice is really monotone. I can't tell what you're feeling."

"Yea well you always sound like you're about to cry."

"Fair enough."

The elevator dings on the 9th floor. A large boy with light brown hair steps in.

"Twerp." He says in a condescending tone as he steps in.

"It's Tweek. You know that."

The elevator closes and goes down.

"Are you going to Tim? Who's this new guy? More fags for your weak little team?"

"He's none of your business."

The fat boy turns to Craig and observes him. "I guess you're a new secret treat for team A? The favoritism for those bastards is insane. You're probably just a male prostitute for our gay little Tweeker here." The boy smiles smugly.

Tweek started to get angry, but it quickly simmered down. It's like his anger just flowed away. He felt calm despite the situation he was in.

The large boy, however, was only getting angrier.

Craig smiles at him, "I guess all that fat in your cheeks makes it hard to see the truth, huh."

"No! I can see just fine!"


"I'll kill you if you keep that smug attitude newbie. I'm not afraid to hit a hooker!"

"That must be why you hit your mother so much, right?"

"IM GONNA-" the fat boy freezes up, his body tense. "I swear- I'm just-" he can't get words out.

The door opens and he storms out with a red face.

They both step out after him on their floor.

Tweek smiles at Craig, "I'm impressed."

"Why's that?"

"You took my anger away and amplified his at the same time, didn't you. I couldn't even tell you were using your power. That's one dangerous ability Super Craig."

"Thanks. Who was he?"

"Our main damage hero. Leader of team B. Eric Cartman, aka the Coon. He especially hates me since I'm his main rival. I follow directions better than him and he gets upset by it. Very fragile ego."


They go into a big glass office. In the center sits a man in a mechanical wheelchair.

"Doctor, I've brought Craig. He agreed to work with us."

Tweek stands still for a minute. Craig turns to him with a confused expression.

"Tweek, I hear a voice in my head."

"That's Dr. Timothy. You can just respond out loud, he can hear you, he just can't use his voice."

"Ah... yes sir. I am."


"A contract?"



Craig takes a stack of papers he was guided to.

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