Season 2 Chapter 42

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Tweek hurries to the floor to get to Craig, cutting his knees open on broken glass.

"Craig? What's going on?"

Craig doesn't respond. His body is limp, he isn't moving.

"Oh god!"

Tweek uses two fingers to feel for a pulse on Craig's neck. He exhales a sigh of relief when he feels a heartbeat.

Tweek wipes the blood off Craig's face and lays him flat on the floor. He gets on his knees and closes his eyes.

"Okay, Tweek... just focus..." he summons healing rain and uses it on Craig.

He sits and watches, praying Craig will wake up.

More blood oozes from Craig's lips.


He tries to lift Craig up but he's too heavy. He runs down the hall to Tolkiens room.

After Tweek was banging on the door for almost a minute Tolkien answered.

"Everyone's just pounding on my door recently I guess. What do you need?"

Tweek does his best to speak through his heaving breathing and anxious stuttering.

"C-Craig! He! I mean with the- on the floor, and I gave him water, no- there was blood, I need-"

"Woah! Slow down, I can't understand you."

Tweek takes a deep breath. "I need help. Craig started coughing up blood and then he passed out, he isn't responding. Help me get him to medical."

"Oh, shit. Okay."

Tolkien follows Tweek to Craig's room. Tolkien finesses Craig onto his back and carries him out the door. Tweek looks around for clues as to why this happened. There's blood, broken glass, and food for Stripe thrown across the floor. Nothing other than that looked out of the ordinary.

Tweek finds and picks up Stripe. "Come on, your dad needs our support."


Stripe and Tweek sit in the waiting room. The doctor said he had to run some tests so sitting and waiting is all they could do.

The doctor comes back out. Tweek grabs Stripe and hurries to the doctor. "Well?!"

"Craig seems to be going through complete organ failure... we had FP's strongest healers try to fix him up but too much damage is being done, we can't counteract it."

"Do you mean... is he..."

"We couldn't fix him, but we did put him into a medically induced coma until we can find out more about his condition. We will continue to run tests, the life support he's on while in the coma is stopping his organs from decaying."

"So he isn't going to die?"

"No, not unless you give us orders to pull the plug. We suggest you investigate to find out what might have caused this, it would be a major help."

"Understood. Thank you, sir."

"No problem, anything for the face of our company."

"Uhm... Can I see him?"

"Yes! By all means, go right on ahead."

Tweek opens the door to Craig's room.

"Oh god... Craig..."

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