Chapter 58

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Tweek starts to sweat, "Uh... Wendy? It's working."

"I see something... keep going..."

Craig bites his lip to concentrate harder. He feels guilty knowing this lust will project into Tweek but it was the only thing that was working.

Wendy chimes back in, "Tweek? Do we need to take a break? Your heart rate is increasing a bit too much for comfort."

"I-" Tweek closes his eyes, "I'm fine."

"Okay... I almost have the data I need, just a bit longer... Okay. You can stop."

Craig exhales and opens his eyes. Tweek is still in the chair across from him. Tweeks eyes are glazed over and a bit of droll is falling down his chin.

"Hey! Craig, I said I got what I need, stop whatever you're doing."

Craig looks to the ground, away from Tweek, to regain his composure. Tweek calms down as well.

Wendy unhooks them both from the machines. "Alright. Basically what I got was this: Any emotion Craig feels an excess of within a 10 foot radius of Tweek will cause Tweek to feel that same emotion at a greater mass. This shouldn't be a problem during missions as long as Craig keeps his cool. And we can always separate you two to keep Tweek out of range."

Tweek looks at Craig, then at Wendy, "Is there a way to treat it?"

"I can look into it but it might just be a matter of training."


Craig stands up and takes Tweeks hand. "We done?"

Wendy smirks, "Yes, you may go take care of your tent now."

Craig pulls Tweek out of the room, up through the elevator and into his condo.

"Craig? Mmph!"

Craig crashes his lips into Tweeks, pushing him against the door they had just walked through.

"W-wait! We need to get to the bed first-"

Craig lifts Tweek and carries him to the bed, setting him gently on his back before crawling on top of him and kissing his neck.

Tweek was feeling the most sexual desire he had ever felt. He had the lust Craig was feeling, which was just as strong as the lust he himself was feeling. They both, more than anything, wanted to break the final barrier in their relationship. Right there. Right then.

Craig slips his hands under Tweeks shirt and removes it.

Tweek breathes heavily as Craig runs his hands over his skin. He had imagined this before, but he never thought it would feel this good. Every touch, every movement, sent shocks of ecstasy through his body.

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