Chapter 14

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Craig wakes up with the sun in his eyes, and a massive headache.

He groans and sits up, "My fucking head..."

He looks down to see Tweek cuddled up like a kid next to him.

"What the fuck? Why is he in my bed?"

Craig looks around, "Shit, this isn't my place."

Tweek sits up and rubs his eyes "Morning... Are you feeling better?"

"My head hurts... why am I in bed with you?"

"You came into my house drunk and you wouldn't let me go."

"Fuck, did we..?"

"No, you just bit my ear and passed out."

Craig rubs his eyes, "Sorry, dude. I don't know what got into me."

"It's okay, I've seen what happens when people drink with Clyde. I understand. You can go home now though, you need to make sure Stripe is okay."

"Right. Sorry again."

Craig heads to the front door.


He turns around, "What's up?"

"Hypothetically speaking, what does purple aura mean?"

"Hmm, I think it would probably be lust or desire. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious, go get ready for your training."

"Okay, cya."

Craig leaves and Tweek bites his fingernails. "Lust? Desire? Was I really feeling that? Why would I be feeling that at a time like that? Ugh... I need coffee."


Tweek spends all day in his office reviewing plans to infiltrate Dendra.

At around 5 pm his phone rings.

"This is Tweek."

"Eric Cartman is here to see you, sir."

Tweek sighs, "Send him in."

Eric walks into Tweeks office and sits on his desk. "Hey, Twerk."


"That's what I said. Twerk."

Tweek rolls his eyes, "What do you want?"

"I want your assignment."

"Dendra? Why?"

"You got the last one. Don't you have enough fame now? Let's team B take this one. We could use some bitches."

"This isn't a joke, Eric. We aren't doing this for fame. This is for the greater good of humanity."

"And chicks."


"Whatever, gaywad. Just let us take it."

"No. Wendy put a lot of work into this. And it's Craig's first mission. Take control of your team and make them do their jobs and you'll be taking down facilities in no time. Stop bothering me about it."

"Come on. You really think a newbie like him is ready for that? Surely you remember what happened to Jimmy. Are you trying to repeat your past or are you just stupid."

"I'm not stupid. I know he needs work but I also know he can do it. He has what it takes to complete this mission."

"Fine. Don't come crying to me when you kill another one of your puppets."

Eric storms out and Tweek sighs. He puts his head in his hands.

"You can do this, Tweek..."

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