Chapter 49

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Tweek lifts his head and smiles, "I knew I would dream about you again."

He sees Craig in-front of him, awake. He's been having this dream almost every time he fell asleep.


Tweek takes Craig's hand and brings it to his face, "it feels so real this time... so warm..."

Craig laughs, "This isn't a dream."

"You say that every time."

Craig grabs Tweeks face. "It's real. I'm awake. Pinch yourself if you aren't sure."

Tweek pinches himself, and sure enough, it was real.

Tears fill his eyes, "CRAIG!!"

He jumps onto the bed to hug him.

"Woah, be gentle with me, I'm feeling pretty weak..."

"It's real! You're okay! You're okay!!"

Craig smiles, "yes, I'm okay."

"I- I need to get the others!"

Craig pulls Tweek closer to him. "Hold on."

"Hmm? Don't you want the others to know you're okay?"

"I do, but first, I need to talk to you."

"Ok, what's up?"

"I heard everything."


"Everything you said. I could hear other people too but your voice was the most powerful."

"You... heard everything I said..?" Tweeks face gets red. "Ha! Okay- uh- I should get going now-"

Craig yanks Tweek down onto the bed with him and kisses him deeply, holding the back of his head.


Craig releases Tweek and smiles, "I love you too."

Tweek blinks a few times, "Say that again?"

"I love you."


"I love you, Tweek."


"Haha, I can't keep saying it over and over, it's a bit embarrassing..."

Tweek kisses Craig. "You love me!"

He kisses him sloppily over and over. Craig puts his hands on Tweeks hips.

"Mm- you-mm love me!"

"Okay! Down boy, that's enough."

Tweek gets off the bed, "right... sorry I just got excited..."

"I know. But if you keep going then I'll get excited in a different way. We don't need that happening right now."

"I didn't think about that... sorry..."

"It's okay, do you want to get the others?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back!"

Tweek trips out the door, Craig chuckles at the display. He touches his lips and covers his eyes to try and counter the heat he felt in his face.


Tolkien is the first to come see him, "Well well, if it isn't the dead man."

"Hey, Tolkien."

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"Fine I guess, my head feels fuzzy but other than that I'm all good."

"That's good, you might have a fever though, your face is red."

"No... that's not a fever."

"What is it?"

"...I kissed Tweek..."

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