Chapter 109

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"Oh shit..." Stan looks at Craigs arm. "His is gone too. Along with his entire arm..."

Tweek begins to cry. "Our rings..."

"Dude. Are you crying right now?! You never cry."

"My ring... my engagement ring... it's gone..."

"Tweek, you can just get another one."

"It was my engagement ring! Those are special, you can't just replace them!"

"Well you have other things to worry about right now."

"Okay... I guess engagement rings won't even matter if he dies before we can- before we-"

Tweeks voice gets shaky. He can't finish his sentence through his tears.

"Crying a lot today..."

Heidi stands up. "Interesting... I think the anti cyanide treatment you gave him could've fixed his emotional regulation. He's back to feeling emotions like a normal person."

"I see. Tweek? Are you gonna be okay?"

Tweek wipes the tears from his face and tries to breathe normal again. "Yeah... yeah I'm good..."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Stripe... can you bring stripe to this room? His food too."

"Sure. He's in the care of Craig's mom right now, right?"


"Okay. Once Heidi is done here I'll go get him."

"Thank you."

Heidi collects her things. "I'm actually fine for now. I'll go to my lab and cook up some new treatments for him."

"Okay, I'll get the rodent then"

Tweek frowns. "His name is Stripe."

"Right. Stripe."

Once Stan and Heidi leave, Tweek gets up and sits on Craigs bed. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... this was my fault... I brought you here... I put you in this situation... you threw yourself under a falling building to protect me. I love you so much... and I'm sorry..."


Stan comes back with Stripes cage and a container of food for him. "Laura said she hasn't fed him yet so you can do that whenever. She also says she's going to visit as soon as she's feeling well enough."

"Is she sick?"

"No, just tired. She's worried about Craig. She has actually been visiting every other day, now that you're awake she knows he has someone who's there for him so she's going to rest."

"Okay. I'll have to thank her for taking care of Stripe and looking after Craig."

"Wendy is going to be here soon. She just has a few things to wrap up but she does need to talk to you. I told you what happened to you while you were out but she has bigger news about the foundation and stuff."


"I'll be back when she's here. Get some sleep."

"I'll try."

Stan leaves and Tweek takes Stripe out of his cage. "Hmm... looks like you've gained some weight. Has mom been spoiling you?"

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