Chapter 86

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When Tweek gets back to the room, Craig is laying on the couch as Tweek had asked, looking at his phone.

Tweek doesn't say anything, he just walks past and closes the door to his room after entering.

Craig turns off his phone and looks at Tweeks door. "I hope he's okay... I didn't mean to offend him like that..." he gets up and takes Stripe out of his cage. "Hey, little guy. Let's get you some food."


3 days pass and Tweek doesn't say a word to Craig, he was feeling too headstrong.

Craig, on the other hand, was doing his best to give Tweek his space, but he was running out of patience.

On the fourth day, Craig waits up at night for Tweek to finish his work. He decided that today he was going to talk to Tweek no matter what.

Tweek comes home around 3 am. Craig almost fell asleep.

"Where have you been?"

Tweek wobbles to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Hiii Craiggg."

"Jesus, are you drunk?"


"You are." Craig watches as Tweek misses his glass with the water.

"Why isn't it filling..?"

Craig takes the cup from his hand. "I'll do it. Go sit down."

"Ookaayyy..." Tweek sways as he finds his way to the couch.

Craig fills up the glass and brings it to Tweek. "Think you can hold it without dropping it?"

"I'm not a child."

"You're acting like one..."

"What?! How dare you-" Tweek falls off the couch.

"Damn it, Tweek." Craig helps him back to the couch.

"I'm not a child."

"Then why are you ignoring me? And why did you go out drinking? You don't even like that stuff."

"It's your fault."

"How is it my fault?"

"You made me all sad so I had to drink. I couldn't stand sleeping alone so I drink and hope I just pass out."

"I guess you're pretty honest when you're drunk, huh?"

"You're the worst..."

"How so?"

"You don't fight back... you just let me yell at you. You're the top so why are you letting me boss you around?"

"My position in sex doesn't have anything to do with my personality. You need to go to bed, I feel like you're going to say something you'll regret."

"You know what? No."


"I'm not going to bed. I'm staying right here."

"Then I'll go to the bed. Either way you need to-"

Tweek pulls Craig in by his shirt and kisses him. "Shut up."

"Tweek, you're drunk, I'm not gonna-"

"I said shut up! Stop looking at me with those worried eyes! I'm perfectly fine!"

"No, you aren't."

"I'll show you just how fine I am."

Tweek crawls onto Craig's lap, pushing him down to his back. He takes off his shirt.

"Tweek, you aren't listening to me."

"I don't need to. Don't speak to me cause I won't listen. Use your body to talk. You still love me? Show me."

"Tweek. I'm serious. We shouldn't do this."

"You make me so mad sometimes. I get mad because the emotions I feel around you are the only ones I can't control. You make me feel things, dangerous things, things that could hurt me. But it feels so good. You're like a drug, I know I'll get hurt someday but I can't stop, you're too addictive."


"I love you too much. So much that it scares me. I'm so scared Craig. I'm so scared that I'll mess up and you'll leave me. I'm scared that you already want to."

"Oh... baby no... it's not like that at all!"


"Yes, really. I've never loved someone like I love you."

Tweek starts to cry. "Then show me... prove you aren't disgusted by me..."


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