Chapter 7

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Craig follows Tweek to a studio office. A woman with long curly blonde hair smiles and shakes his hand.

"Hey, newbie! My name is Bebe Stevens. I design and create all the costumes for the Freedom P foundation! I'm so excited to work with you!"

Bebes enthusiasm made Craig feel a bit uncomfortable. He liked Tweeks vibes better, Tweek didn't have too much energy. Bebe had energy that blinded Craig.

"Right. I'm excited to work too."

"Then let's get to it! Come see our costumes, they could give you some inspo~"


Bebe guides Craig to a closet of costumes.

"Which one is Tweeks?"

"Oh, this blue one here."

"Can you just make me something like that?"

"You don't want a more original look?"

"Nah, we are working as a pair or something, so matching would be best."

The real reason he wanted to copy Tweeks outfit was so that he could get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"I guess so. What details do you want?"

"You can choose. Use your creativity or something. I'm fine with anything."

"If you say so... you're the first person who didn't have any opinions on a costume. I'll get it figured out. Come with me and we can measure you."

"Can I keep my clothes on?"

"No, we need it to be exact. If my gender makes you uncomfortable we can make Tweek do it. He's pretty good at this kinda stuff."

"Let's just do that."

"Okay. Let me go get him. You can get undressed in that room back there, he will be in shortly."

"Got it."

He goes to the room and undresses to his underwear. Tweek comes in with a measuring roll and something to write with.

"You ready to start?"


Tweek gets on his knees and starts measuring his legs.

"So, why didn't you want Bebe doing this? She's an attractive single woman."

"Her energy was too much. I can't handle that kind of thing."

"Lots of girls are like that."

"Not my type."

"Okay then. Lift your arms."

Tweek stands behind Craig and measures his chest.

"Craig, you are a lot more muscular than I thought. Do you train?"

"Yep. My body breaks if I use my power without enough muscle."

"Yikes. I guess we should keep that in mind when we make the training plan."

"Training plan?"

"Yeah. Each hero needs to have one to keep in best shape. There's a gym on the 3rd floor. We all have scheduled time with the trainers."

"What's your training plan?"

"Just 30 minutes of cardio a day. I don't do much physically. It's more mental."

"Ah, so I assume I'll have a lot of weight training?"

"Probably. You'll have to talk to Clyde about that."

"Is Clyde the trainer?"


Tweek stands up and fills out the rest of his paper. "All done. You can get dressed again."

"Kay. I'll be out in a minute."

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