Chapter 17

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"Okay. I put the scanner on your head, now use your power." Wendy steps back and watches a screen after connecting Craig to a brain wave scanner.

Craig blinks a few times. "About that, I can't use it without a subject."

"Oh, just use me then."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"You aren't angry. If I want to use you I need to anger you."

"That's okay. Anger me, I'll get over it."

Craig flips her off.

"Hmm... nothing. I may not be a good subject, I've been meditating my whole life to gain control of my anger... hold on please, I am going to go fetch the angriest person I know and you can defuse him."

She leaves for 15 minutes and comes back with Eric Cartman.

"This guy? I thought we hated him?"

Wendy smiles. "That's why he's the perfect test subject."

Eric frowns, "I can hear you guys."

Craig can already see the red on Eric.

"Can I start now, Wendy?"

"By all means!" She hurries back to her monitor.

Craig stares at Cartman. He just stands still.

Wendy pokes her head out, "Feeling angry, Eric?"

"Actually, no. Not really feeling anything right now."

Wendy turns to Craig, "I think you did it! I never thought anyone would ever be able to tame the wild hog."

"Did you find out where it happens in my brain?"

"Looks like it's all around your emotion regulators. I can form theories with this. Thanks, that's all I needed. You two are free to go. Remember to keep hard at training, the mission is in one week."

"So soon?"

"We have a lot of things to do, we need to keep to a tight schedule. It's not like team B is doing anything."

Cartman shakes his head, "Dude."

Wendy smiles smugly, "Amazing. I've never seen him this tame."

Eric and Craig exit the room.

"Craig, was it?"


"You should really think about joining my team. I can offer you so much more than team A. In fact I'd be willing to triple whatever they're giving you."

"They aren't really giving me anything."

"Then why are you with them? Join us."

"Nah. I trust Tweek. Good luck anyway. Also your anger is gonna be back in about five minutes so I'm gonna stay away from you. Your energy is unpleasant."


Craig gets up to his room and sighs, "I could use a hot tub right now... maybe I'll head over now..."

He grabs his towel and the new pair of swim trunks and goes down the hall.

To Craig's surprise, Tweek is standing outside the door, on his phone.

"Tweek? What are you doing here?"

"I'm on guard duty. Speaking of which, I can't let you go in."

"What? Why?"

"Wendy and Stan are in there."

"So? You said we all go in together after big missions."

"It's their special time right now."


"They're having sex."

"What?! Doesn't Wendy have a boyfriend?"

"Her boyfriend is Stan."

"Why are they doing it in there and not in their rooms?"

"As a reward I let them go in there every once in a while. Sex in there is really good for your emotional regulation. The special air inside that's built to reset power can also reset your mind if you feel intense enough emotion."

"So they fuck in there to get their minds all messed up?"

"I guess you could put it that way, I don't ask many details but apparently it also feels a lot better in that state. I try not to get too involved. I just keep watch."

"You're okay with them getting it all dirty? The rest of us go in there."

"They promise to clean up every time. And they stay out of the hot tub."

"Why do you do this?"

"We all do favors for each other. This is my way of thanking them for all their hard work. Standing here and keeping watch for them is the least I could do."

"So, if I do good work I get a favor too?"

"I guess so. You could ask me for anything anytime, it's only a reward if it's a big thing. Like if you need things from outside you can just ask."

"Maybe I have some personal favors in mind..."

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