Chapter 13

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"I don't know if I should tell you that..."

"Why not? I'm working with him, shouldn't I know?"

Clyde sighs and looks around, "He is the morale. He can get anyone to do what he says because of how genuine he is. He also is willing to give everything to the cause. I mean everything."

"What did he do to deserve that praise?"

"He sacrificed himself."

"He seems pretty alive to me."

"But you've surely noticed he's detached. His mind was practically split in half when we took down the first facility."


"He has a special power, he can make lightning flicker all around him, killing anyone around him. However, if he does that more than 3 times in a row he looses his ability to fully control it. He had to use it 10 times at the facility. It started sending sparks through his head. Imagine how it would feel to have your neurons ripped apart, then having to do it again, knowing how horrible it felt."

"Why would he go in if he couldn't handle the battle?"

"He had a partner inside with him. His name was Jimmy. Tweek saw him get killed, they almost killed Call Girl too but he zapped her out in time. No one knows exactly what happened to make him use his power like that, but no one has the guts to ask. It was clearly traumatic."

"Damn... so he's really willing to sacrifice himself to save other people?"

"Yeah. He is a good guy. Pure."

"I hope I can live up to his expectations."

"I think you already have. He's taken a liking to you."

"That's something I guess..."

"Let's get off the sad subjects! What do you want to drink?"


Craig stumbles back to his room late at night, absolutely wasted. Clyde proposed a drinking contest, and Craig lost, hard.

He tries to use his key over and over but it won't go in the lock. The door opens on its own. Tweek peeks out from inside.

"Care to explain why you're trying to get into my room?"

"My room."

"No, yours is over that way."

Craig walks in and flops on the bed.

"Craig, that's my bed. Go to your house."


"Ugh. Are you drunk? I should've known Clyde would take you to the bar... here, let's get you to the right place."

Tweek wraps an arm under Craig and tries to drag him up.

Craig groans and pulls Tweek down onto the bed with him.

"Craig, you're being difficult."

"So soft..."

Craig wraps his arms and legs around Tweek and starts petting his head.


"Pretty boy... calm down."

"Damn it." Tweeks face feels hot.

"Mmm... purple aura..."

"What are you saying- Ack!"

Craig bites Tweeks ear.

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