Chapter 21

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Tweek makes grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Craig takes a sip and smiles at Tweek, "I didn't expect it to taste good. It's just some soup and a cheese toast."

Tweek giggles, which makes Craig's heart skip a beat. "Haha~ Cheese toast?"

"That's literally what it is!"

"Pfft- It's grilled cheese."

"I know, but I like my word better."

"You know what? Maybe I do too." Tweek rests his head on his hands to gaze at Craig. "Cheese toast it is."

Craig turns back to his food, he felt like his chest was going to explode. "I should eat quick and head back, I'm not feeling great."

"Are you gonna be okay for the mission tomorrow?"

"Yeah, just a headache."

Craig finishes his food and walks to the door. Tweek grabs his arm to stop him, "Wait..."

"What's the matter?"

"My phone number. You should have it. Do you have your phone with you?"

Craig pulls out his phone and opens his contact list. "I do, I was gonna ask you for it the other day but stuff got in the way."

They trade numbers.

"Thanks, Craig. Thank you."

"What for?"

"Everything, I guess. Goodnight." Tweek smiles at Craig.

"Night." He rushes to his room and plops face-first onto his bed. "What is happening to me..."


Everyone meets up at noon, fully dressed in their costumes. Craig almost couldn't recognize a couple of them. Tweek looked the same, he appreciated the consistency.

Tweek gives everyone an earpiece. "I synced these up this morning. Just press the button on the side to talk. Everyone will be able to hear you. If anyone gets in trouble remember the code word is 'dynamo'. If anything happens, say that into your earpiece and we will come to your location."

Tweek takes a deep breath and looks sadly at a bag in his hand. "And... You all get one of these... Cyanide pills. None of us want to re-live what happened to us, and who knows what kind of new experiments they might want to run on us. Hide these in your costume, if, and only if, you have no other options, put one in your mouth and bite down. This will kill you within 30 seconds."

He looks into everyone's eyes, worries surrounding him. "Please, can you all give me a verbal 'yes' so I know you understand?"

"Yes." Craig smiles at Tweek, calming him slightly.

"Yes." Stan is staring at the ground, scared.

"Yes." Wendy is the only one who sounds confident.

"Yes." It's a muffled voice through Tolkien's mask.

Tweek sighs, "Good. Make sure you have everything you need and get in the helicopter. Let's go."

Everyone grabs small bags and goes to the roof to meet with the helicopter. Inside there are four rows of two seats each. Stan and Wendy sit next to each other, behind them are Tweek and Craig, then Tolkien and a field nurse who was assigned to watch over any injuries.

Tweek buckles up and nudges Craig. "It's a 7-hour flight from New York to California. Get some rest and let me know if you need food or the bathroom and I can guide you."

"Okay. You get rest too."

"Craig... Are you currently..."

"Suppressing your anxiety? Yes. Do you want me to stop?"

Tweek twiddles his thumbs, "No, it's nice. Thank you."

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