Chapter 97

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Craigs phone buzzes. A number he didn't know sent him a news article.
"Face of FP, Tweek, finally finding love? See how this hero is hiding his secret relationship!"

Craig opens it, expecting it to be about him.
It wasn't.

The main picture pops up on the news site. It's Tweek in a dark hallway. A girl with long black hair is in front of him. He's kissing her, and his hand is under her shirt, he appears to be feeling her chest.


Craig scrolls through the article. It says nothing about who the girl is or where this takes place. It just talks about Tweeks life as a single man, and how he never showed signs of dating until now.

Craigs head was hurting. He had too much to think about. He decides to call Tweek but he gets no answer.

"What's happening?" He rubs his temples. "I'm so tired and it's only 3pm..."

Craig finds Wendy looking through security cameras, trying to spot Stripe. "Wendy, I need to rest. My head is killing me."

"Okay. I'll keep looking. Get feeling better."


Craig goes up to Tweeks room. His room was done with rebuilding but he had moved in with Tweek already and he planned to stay like that for the remainder of their time at FP.

He steps inside and hears a crash from the kitchen. He goes over to investigate.

One of the cupboards was open. Craig looks below it to see a little fluff ball digging through a container he had knocked down.

It was Stripe. He had gotten into a container of the special food Tweek makes for him, it's a mix of greens and fruit, bite sized for Stripe to easily eat.

"Stripe! How'd you get in here?!" He picks him up but Stripe immediately disappears from his hand. "What?"

He had teleported back to the food pile.

Craig calls Wendy and explains the situation. She hurries upstairs and into the room.

After investigating, she comes to a conclusion. "I think... I think we might've accidentally given him teleportation powers. It seems like he teleported to where he most wanted to be. Which is this food container, I guess."

Craig kneels down and points at Stripe. "Fat."

Stripe only looks up for a second before returning to his food.

"Can we fix it? I don't want him teleporting around. It's hard enough to keep track of him when he's this small."

"I'll see what I can do. Do you mind if I take the food container? He probably won't teleport away if he has this."

"Go for it."

"Alright. Get some rest. I'll come up here and wake you up if I have any news."


She takes Stripe and goes back to the lab. Craig lies down on his back in the center of the bed. He can't get his mind to stop spinning. He keeps thinking about the article. "That picture didn't look altered... that was really him...."

He groans and shakes his head around. He really didn't want to think about it.

He goes to the cabinet in the bathroom and finds a bottle of melatonin sleeping pills. He takes a couple and goes back to the bed. He falls asleep in less than 30 minutes.

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