Chapter 48

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Tweek inputs the code and takes out the bag, he runs to Craig's room and hooks it up to him the way Heidi mentioned. Stan and Wendy are in the room.

"So? What happened?" Stan steps closer.

"I'll explain later, just know this is the serum that can cure him. Can I have some time alone with him?"

They both nod and exit the room.

"Come on, Craig... I need you to get through this... I know you can..."

He takes Craig's pale hand.

"I... I love you, Craig. I fell in love with you... so please... come back to me so I can confess properly..."

Tears start to fall from Tweeks eyes. The last time he cried was when Jimmy died. He hasn't felt strong emotion like this since that day.

"Forgive me for this..." he stands up and leans over Craig. "This works in fairytales..."

His lips hover over Craig's, he almost kisses him but pulls away. "This is creepy, I shouldn't..."

Instead, he moves Craig's hair away from his forehead and kisses it.



When Stan and Wendy return, Tweek is asleep with his head resting on the bed. He's holding Craig's hand.

"Aww, what a cutie." Wendy whispers.

Stan pulls out his phone and takes a picture. "Should we wake him up?"

"Yeah... as cute as this is we need to be informed."

They wake up Tweek, who quickly lets go of Craig's hand and blushes, "When did you guys get back?"

"Just now. We went for lunch while you had your alone time with him. So what's the deal?"

Tweek explains everything Heidi said in the meeting.

"Damn... So he might..." Wendy puts a hand on Tweeks shoulder, "I'm so sorry... I know you really liked him..."

"No... Don't talk like he's gonna die. I know he's gonna pull through. That's just who he is. He's strong."

"Right! That's the spirit!" Wendy smiles at Tweek, helping his mood rise a bit.


Tweek stays by Craig's side throughout his entire treatment, only leaving to go to the bathroom. He had all his meals brought to him and he even slept in the room.

5 days pass with no improvement. The doctors advised giving up at this point but Tweek refused. He was desperate.


"Tweek?" A hand is petting the back of Tweeks head.

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