Chapter 23

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The missiles fire. They both hit the cameras. As soon as they make an impact Tweek stands up and breaks into a sprint at the building, Stan and Craig following closely behind.

As they run Tweek puts a finger to his earpiece. "5 meters away, is the fence clear?"

Wendy calls back through the device, "Fence voltage is off, you're clear. Working for door clearance now."

Craig watches as Tweek sprints straight for the fence, not even preparing to jump or start climbing, it's like he was planning to run straight through it.

Tweek holds up a hand and the section of fence in front of them turns into a block of ice. "Now!"

Stan takes out a modified nail gun. He shoots it and a bright beam blasts through the ice, shattering the fence.

Craig almost tripped, he didn't expect them to be so powerful. He had only ever seen Tweek in action.

"Door clear!" Wendy calls out as the big metal door starts to open.

A group of men in orange suits are waiting on the other side of the door. They all have high-impact automatic rifles.

"Toolshed!" Tweek yells.

"On it!"

Stan slaps a device onto Craig's back, then Tweeks, then his own. He presses a button on his watch and the device powers up, surrounding Craig in a force field designed to deflect bullets.

The men start shooting, they only manage a few shots before the group reaches them.

"Craig!" Tweek slows down to let him lead.

This was his time to shine. He runs as fast as he can, almost leaving the other two in the dust. He holds his hands in front of him in fists and rams through the crowd, knocking them over like bowling pins.

They all stop to catch their breaths.

Tweek brings his hand to his ear again, "Succesfully inside. What is your status Tupperware?"

"Moving to the southeast entrance."

"Status, Call Girl?"

"Hacked in. Looks like the alarm system only just started going off. Heat signatures heading to you from the North. Large group, probably just regular guards. Three approaching from the West, probably altered, be cautious."


The northern door flies open, then the west door. Just as Wendy said, men with guns in the north, and three teenagers in test subject tags to the west.

Tweek prepares to fight, "Craig, you're on the gunners. Toolshed you help me with these three."

Craig gets in his position. There's a crowd of 20 men in orange suits with guns. Craig smirks, knowing he has power over them gave him a rush of confidence. "Come get me."

The men start running. Craig found it interesting that the men were the same color as the training holograms.

The first few men run up to Craig and get punched back into the crowd. Craig had trained to know the quickest way to knock someone out.

"Easy! Is that all you've got?" Craig yells at them, unknowingly activating his power, angering them all.

They all rush at him at once, with more power and fury than before.

Craig then did the most deadly thing he could do in a place like this, he hesitated.

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