Chapter 108

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Heidi and Stan return with two large syringes.

"Heidi? Why did you bring two?"

"I wanted to reassure you. You saw me fill both of these with the same liquid. I'm gonna inject myself with a little bit of one so that you know I'm not poisoning him."

"Oh. That's kind of you."

She injects herself and smiles. "All good." Then she sets the empty syringe on one of the tables. She sits next to Craig and finds a spot on his arm to inject into. She finds a good vein.

"Alright. His heart monitor won't be able to pick his heart beat up for about one minute after I inject. It quiets the heart so it can repair. Just a heads up."

"Got it." Stan stands in the corner of the room and watches.

She insets the needle.

Tweeks eyes flutter open. He sees the bright room around him and recognizes it immediately. He thinks to himself. "I'm still alive? What about Craig?"

He turns his head to see Craig right next to him. He only gets a short moment of relief before he sees Heidi injecting him with something. He sees the liquid go into Craig's arm, then he hears Craig's heart monitor stop beeping.

Tweek rips the IV from his arm and stumbles forward. He knocks Heidi to the ground.

Tweek gets on top of Heidi and starts to strangle her.


"Ghh! I- ack-"

Heidi's face starts to turn purple.

Stan pulls Tweek off of her. "Tweek! Stop!"

"Stan?! Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!"

"Tweek, she's here to help."


Craigs heart monitor starts beeping again.

Tweek relaxes his muscles and looks over at him. "Craig..? He's still okay?"

Stan sighs. "You're so difficult sometimes. Let me explain everything. You've been asleep for a week."

Stan sits Tweek back on his bed and explains everything that has happened since the building fell.

Tweek looks sadly over at Craig. "He took all that damage to protect me, even though we were both already dead? What an idiot..."

"Again, I was able to get you out in time but he took a lot of damage." Stan goes over to Craig and lifts up his now robotic arm. "We had to amputate his arm."

"That's Tolkiens..."


Tweek looks over to Heidi. "I'm sorry. I thought you were trying to kill him again..."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Is he going to get better now? You finished the treatment?"

"Part of it. That should start the process of fixing the blood vessels the cyanide killed off. There's still a need for other medicines. His body needs a lot of fixing if it's going to work properly again."

Tweek looks down at his hands. "Okay..."

Then he gasps. He holds his hands up and looks closer at them.

Stan steps towards him. "What? What's wrong?"

"The ring... My engagement ring is gone..."

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