Chapter 40

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On a snowy Monday, Craig gets a letter under his door, this was weird, since no one in the penthouses got mail. The letter was unlabeled.


He opens it, unable to fight his curiosity.

Dearest Craig,
I wish to meet with you.
Come to office 69 on level 13 at 4:20 pm one week from today.
Sincerely, a concerned soul.

Craig laughs, "is this a joke? Office 69? At 4:20? Someone's pranking me. Maybe it's Tolkien, this seems like his sense of humor. I'll have to give him a hard time about it next time I see him."

Craig tries to jam the paper back in the envelope but a smaller paper blocks it.

If you do not show up. I will kill your mother.

"What the fuck?!"

Craig storms out of his room and down the hall to Tolkiens room. He pounds his fist against the door.

Tolkien opens up, "Dude! What do you want?!"

Craig holds the letter up, "The fuck is this?"

"Craig, that looks like a bit of paper."

"Why the fuck would you write something like this?"

"I don't know what your talking about! Will you at least let me read what you're accusing me of writing."

Craig throws him the letter. "Pff- it's kinda funny-"

"It came with this."

Craig hands over the second paper.

"Oh... Jesus Christ... who would do something like this?"

"So, it wasn't you?"

"No, I wouldn't go this far..."

"Do you have any idea who could've written this?"

"I don't..."

Craig sighs. "I should go and beat up whoever sent this."


Craig goes to the assigned spot alone and waits.

"Craig, you actually came."

"Who is it?!"

Eric Cartman walks in, "Don't get your panties in a twist. I just had to draw you out. We need to talk."

"I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"I don't think so. See that camera?" Eric points to the camera on the desk. "If you hit me it will be recorded and sent to Tim. You would probably get fired."

"What do you want?"

Eric smiles, "Just a talk."

"Fuck that." Craig turns around to leave, but a girl is standing in the way.

"Sit, Craig." The girl says.

He slowly sits down at the desk infront of Eric.

"Good. I have some questions."


"All I want to know is why Tim assigned you and Tweek a special side mission that he couldn't even tell me about. I know that fucker Tweek is scheming to get me kicked out. He's always trying to one-up me."

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Ah, but it does. I know it could possibly reveal some kind of advantage. My team needs that, you see."

"I'm not telling you anything. You can deal with your fragile ego yourself."

"Ah. See, I was really hoping you would just tell me. I don't like to complicate things like this."

"I don't know what you-"

A sharp pain courses through Craig's neck.

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