Chapter 53

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Once they finish eating they go back to the condos.

Craig takes Tweeks hand and walks with him into Craig's room.

"Craig? Are you tired?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Uhm... can we..." Tweeks face turns red.

Craig smirks, "Already? Are you that horny?"

"No! I was gonna ask if we could make out..."

Craig smiles and pushes Tweek to a wall. He kisses him. Sucking on his lips for a second before pulling away and kissing again. The room is quiet, the sound of kisses fills both their heads.

Craig pins Tweeks upper half to the wall using his own, then he lifts Tweeks legs over his hips to carry him. The continue to kiss as Craig lifts Tweek and walks to the bed.

Craig sits down, keeping Tweek in a straddled position in his lap as they kiss.

After 10 minutes, Tweek pulls away. His face is red and he's out of breath.

"We should go to sleep..."

"You're right..."

They stare at eachother for a moment, breathing heavily, then they resume their kissing.

Tweek had been holding Craig's shoulders for support. He puts his weight on them and pushes him to his back on the bed.

The kissing gets faster.

"Craig... mmm..."

"Fuck, we actually do need to stop..." Craig points down to show Tweek how hard they both were.

Tweek hadn't even realized he got hard. He moves off Craig and lies down in bed. "You know... you're a great kisser."

Craig smiles, "You think so?"

"I do."

They both lay under the covers and talk for a few hours, simply enjoying each-others company.

"Tweek? What do you want to do when you get out of here? Once all the facilities are cleared."

"Hmmm... I imagine I would still be working here."

"But what do you WANT to do?"

Tweek turns on his side, "I always wanted to open a cafe."

"Right, I remember that. What else?"

"Maybe find my parents? If they're still out there. What about you?"

"I guess first I would want to find out if my mom was still alive. Then I guess I would start helping my boyfriend with his cafe."

Tweek smiles, "You would do that?"

"Of course."

"Then let's do it. Let's open a cute little Cafe in the New England area."

"That sounds lovely." Craig kisses Tweeks forehead.

"By the way, our next assignment is Zen."

"The place Tolkien and I got altered?"


"Did you tell him?"

"No, we just got the assignment earlier today."

"Ah. Tolkien is gonna be pretty excited. He's been talking about taking his revenge for a while. Planning it out the way someone plans a wedding."

"It'll be a lot of prep work for you two since you know the layout."

"That's fine, we're more than capable."

"I know."

Craig moves to get in a more comfortable position while holding Tweek.

"I'm gonna fall asleep soon..."

"I'm so happy..."

"Yeah? Why is that?"

"I'm here with you."

"Oh, you corny little bastard."

Tweek giggles, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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