Chapter 32

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Tweek and Bebe catch up with Craig and Nicole.

Bebe links arms with Tweek, "Do you guys mind if we join you?"

Nicole nods, "We don't mind! Come on, we can get a booth."

Tweek sits across from Craig.

Bebe is super excited to be eating lunch with Tweek. "What kind of food do you like?"

Tweek stares blankly at the menu, "So many words..."

"Do you need help?" Craig offers.


Craig takes the time to explain every main dish to Tweek. The entire time Tweek stares into Craig's hazel eyes and his dark hair which hangs just above it.

Tweek had been to this restaurant plenty of times, he knew exactly what the menu said from the start.

Craig finishes his explanation. "Did that make sense?"

Tweek smiles and leans forward on the table, "It did! Thanks, Craig."


Nicole and Bebe end up talking each others ears off. Craig orders more than a few drinks for himself, the energy was not what he expected and it was stressing him out.

Bebe orders desert for the group. Tweek and Craig end up passing on it, they were both full and exhausted.

Tweek plays with his fork as he waits for the girls to finish up. He feels something brush against his leg, it's Craig's shoe, sliding Tweeks pants up a bit past his ankle.

Tweek looks up to see Craig smirking at him.

Craig watches as a purple aura starts to form. He's drunk and dizzy, but he can still see it. Unfortunately he cannot think properly.

He uses his power to amplify the purple a few times.

"Ah!" Tweek quickly covers his mouth with his hand.

Bebe turns to him, "Everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Just remembered something important. Don't worry about it."

"Okay." She turns back to Nicole.

Craig amplifies it again, sending a warm feeling through Tweek.

Tweek puts his head down to hide his expression.

Craig chuckles and let's his emotions return to normal.

Tweek looks up at him with an angry expression, he's breathing heavily. "I need to talk to Craig alone. I'll be back."

Tweek drags Craig to the alleyway next to the restaurant and pushes him against a wall.


"Ehehe... Hey Tweek." Craig sways back and forth.

"God damn it, Craig. No matter how drunk you are, you cannot do that to me in public! It's wrong!"

Craig smiles and flips Tweek around so he's the one on the wall.

"So, it's okay if I *hic* do it in private?"

"W-what are y-ou talking about." Tweek couldn't contain his stutter with Craig pushing him against a wall like this.

"You said I can't do that to you in public. So I'll just take you home and do it there."

"Fuck... you need to stop, Craig. I'm serious. If you keep going around like this someone is going to get hurt."

"Who says I'm joking? Maybe I want to-"

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