Chapter 69

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Craig takes Tweeks hand.

Tweek smiles at Craig, "Are you ready?"

Craig pats his pockets to make sure he has everything, then he takes a deep breath. "I am. Let's do this."

The entire 2nd floor of the building had been transformed into a gala. The fist half of the funeral was dedicated to speeches and normal funeral service. There was no casket since there was no body. The second half would be more of a celebration.

Everyone takes their seats in the main area. Craig is up second for speeches. Right after Tweek.

Tweek squeezes Craig's hand before going up to the podium. It was a squeeze to reassure him that he could do this.

Tweek clears his throat. "Hello everyone. First, I would like to thank you all for coming. Tolkien Black would be happy to know he had so many supporters. I'm sure you all have an idea of who I am. If you don't, I am Tweek. I am the team leader for Team A at FP." Tweeks speech is long, he describes how they first met and what kind of person he was. Tweek was the one who recruited Tolkien, so he had known him the longest.

Once his speech is over he calls Craig up to the podium.

Craig looks at the cards he wrote his speech on, then he looks at the audience and is able to fully see all the attendees.

Team A in the front row. Then Timothy, team B, Bebe, Clyde, Nicole, then many men in suits. In the very back are reporters and, most importantly, everyone Tolkien had saved the day he died.

Seeing everyone who turned up made him have to fight back a sea of tears. He manages to give his speech without messing up.

Wendy goes up to the podium, she's already crying but does her best to speak coherently.

Stan closes the speeches, his final line being: "Tolkien always told me 'you better throw a party on the day that I die.' And although we may be late, I know we can party like hell, party so hard he can feel it wherever he is now. He wanted everyone to have a good time, so let's do it. Let's celebrate this man."

The speech section ends and everyone is guided to the gala area. There's tables with wine, punch, and snacks. Everyone spreads out and makes the most of the event.

Tweek and Craig exit last. They see the room full of people and feel a ping of joy. People were actually starting to enjoy themselves.

Their peace doesn't last long. White lights flash around them. Tweek puts his arms up to cover his eyes and Craig steps in-front of him to shield him from the incoming paparazzi.

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