Chapter 65

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Tweek turns on the lights in Craig's room.

"Agh!" He overs his eyes.

"Shut up, you're fine. Here." He takes out a pair of sunglasses and tosses them across the room. "They will help your eyes."

Craig puts them on. "I thought I told you to-"

"Stop, just stop. You're done pushing me away."


Tweek steps into the 10ft radius and puts his hand to his chest. It felt like his lungs were being squeezed. It was hard to breathe but he continued forward until he was in-front of Craig.

"See? Here I am, right here, and I'm just fine. You need to get up and come outside. Your mom told me what you said. You're going to come out right now and apologize to her or else."

"Or else what?"

"Or else I'm actually going to distance myself from you until you get your shit together."

"You're just going to leave anyway."

"Why would I do that?"

"That's just what happens. Everyone leaves."

Tweek sighs and kneels down. "I'm not going to leave, I was just being dramatic. I know how you're feeling..."

"Hah, yeah. I'm sure eeeveryone knows what I'm feeling." Craig rolls his eyes.

"Except I actually do. I never told you how Jimmy died. It was right in-front of me. He sacrificed himself so that I could escape with my life. He knew it was him or me. I watched it happen. I spent the next two months thinking about everything I should've done to save him. But you know what? 'Should've' is the most fucking dangerous word you can use. You couldn't do anything. You had no idea this would happen. It took me a long time to realize that fact. So here I am, right now, telling you how pointless this thought process is."


Tears started pouring from Craigs eyes again. He falls forward into Tweeks chest. Tweek catches him and holds him tightly, making him feel secure.

Craig cried for 15 minutes, tears filling up his sunglasses. Tweek holds him the entire time. Even when his arms started to feel numb he kept Craig close to his chest.

After that, they come out into the hall, holding hands. Craig looks guiltily at his mom.

"Hey, mom... I'm... I'm sorry for what I said... you were right and I shouldn't have pushed you away like that..."

She wipes a tear from his face. "It's okay, sweetie. I know how you are. You're strong headed, just like your father was. I'm not mad."

The three of them go out to lunch together. The mood is still solemn but Craig was starting to feel a bit better.

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