Chapter 73

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Tweek wakes up in a dark room. He can't see anything other than a thin line of light that could be the outline of a door. His head is pounding and both his arms and legs are bound.

He wiggles around but the ropes on his wrists only get tighter. He has a rag tied around his mouth, so he can't call for help. Something was preventing him from using his powers. He had never felt this lack of power before, at least not since the facility changed him. Something was missing.

Tweek hears footsteps from the hallway behind the door. He scoots back as much as he can manage until he is in what feels like a corner.

The door opens slowly. The light from the hallway blinds him as two men walk into the room.

"Look who's awake."

The men lift Tweek up and start carrying him down the hall. He doesn't resist, he's smart enough to know that with his hands bound and no power, he couldn't fight back in this situation. He would just have to wait for an opening.

He is brought into an interrogation room. There is the silhouette of a man, but the bright light behind him makes it impossible to see his face.

The two men set Tweek in a wooden chair and remove the rag around his mouth.


"Where am I?"

"We have been waiting for you for so long, we are thrilled to finally have you visit."

"Who are you? What do you want with me?"

"I am but a voice for the people in my organization. We all simply wish for your help."

"With what?"

"Glad you're interested. See, we believe that the advances in technology for superhuman research is the key to our future. However, you have been going around destroying that research. 4 entire facilities, reduced to nothing. We cannot accept this."

"So what? Are you gonna kill me? No matter who you kill, the people affected by this research will always rise up to take it down."

"We know that all too well. If we kill you there will only be a new face to take over the FP foundation. We don't wish to kill you, you're still very useful to us. You will be our rat."

"You can't control me. I have nothing to lose."

"Is that so? We have been developing a serum to change one's emotional reactions. We can inject you with it to condition you to fight for us. All we have to do is break you down first. You say you have nothing to loose but I doubt it. No one lives without a reason. Let's see here... what about your team? Remaining we have... Wendy... Stan... and Craig."

Tweeks eyebrow twitches when he hears Craig's name.

"Aha! I see... the new recruit... there has been reports of you two getting close... is he your friend? Or perhaps..."

"You're wrong. I don't care about anyone."

"We know more than you think we do. We have an informant. We already know of your feelings toward him."

Tweeks expression changes to fear.

"Now we know how to break you. Boys, take him back."


Tweeks mouth is covered again and he is retuned to his dark cell.

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