Chapter 83

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Craig knocks on the door to the lab. Wendy answers. "Craig? We were just about to shut things down for the night. Tweek just got to sleep."

"I need to talk to you."

"Oh, okay... what's up?"

"I have this, someone gave it to me saying it could cure him."

"What? A cure? Who gave this to you?"

"Eric Cartman."


"Shh! You said Tweek is sleeping right? Keep it down."

"Sorry. Craig, my best judgement says to throw that out."

"So does mine. If anyone has a reason to be skeptical of him it's me, he almost killed me once."

"Then why..."

"If there's even a small chance this could work then I want to try it. We can test it right? Make sure it's the real deal?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt. We would need to draw some blood from Tweek first so we'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'll take it though."

"Thank you. Can I see him? Since he's asleep it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Sure. Just make it quick. I need to get back to my room soon."


Craig goes in and sees Tweek resting on his side with his hands near his face. No cuffs or restraints. That made Craig happy.

He approaches Tweek and sits on the side of the bed. "Hey, honey..."

Craig lightly brushes Tweeks bangs behind his ear. "I love you..."

Tweek reaches out and takes Craig's hand, he pulls it to his chest and hugs it tightly, still sound asleep.

"Oh, Tweek..." Craig uses his sleeve and wipes a few tears from his eyes. "I'm so sorry..."

He pulls his hand away and leaves the room.

Wendy meets him just behind the door. "I find it funny how you hardly ever cry, but you still cry 3x more than Tweek does."

"Yeah... he goes through so much and never cries... I've seen him cry once and it was when he was trying to kill me."

"He doesn't usually let things get to him. Even torture."

"He's strong. Probably stronger than any of us."



Craig goes into Tweeks room to sleep for the night. He lies down on the bed and hugs his hand to his chest, the same way Tweek did.

"I hope this works..."


Craig is woken up by his phone ringing. He answers in a groggy voice. "Hello..?"

"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Oh, hey Wendy. You did but it's fine. What's up?"

"We have started running the tests and it looks like this is actually an effective cure. We need you on standby for after we use it, we need to see how he reacts to you."

"Okay. I'll come down now."

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