Chapter 36

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Craig takes his shirt off and jumps onto the bed, "Goddamn your sheets are nice, Tweek. I should get some of these."


"What's wrong? Are you getting in?"

"I am..."

Tweek inches forward and crawls under the blanket with his shirtless crush.

"Okay, I'm gonna relax you now."


Tweek feels his emotions fade away and he quickly floats into sleep.


The morning sun shines on Tweek, waking him from his slumber. He snuggles into the mass he was holding onto. He opened his eyes to see Craig.

Tweeks hand was on Craig's bare chest and his leg was bent over his hips.

Tweek quickly backs away before Craig could wake up.

Craig slowly opens his eyes after all the commotion. "Good morning..."


"You look golden right now. When the sun hits your hair you shine."

"I don't know how to respond to that."

Craig rubs his eyes and sits up. "You don't have to respond. How'd you sleep?"

"Good... that may have been some of the best sleep I've had. Thank you..."

"No problem. If you ever need help sleeping just text me and I can come over."

"Does this not bother you?"

"Does what not bother me?"

"Sleeping with me? Half naked?"

"Should it bother me?"

"I don't know..."

"Does it bother you?"

"No! ... I mean... not really."

"Then there's no problem. We should eat."

"Yeah, can't fight on an empty stomach."

Tweek goes to his kitchen and takes out cooking utensils to begin his work on pancakes.

Craig slumps in after him and sits at the table.

"Do you need coffee or anything, Craig?"

"Do you have any without drugs?"

Tweek rolls his eyes, "I do. My parents used to work at a coffee shop so I have lots of coffee, is there a specific kind you like?"

"Regular is fine."

"There isn't a 'regular' coffee."

"Anything works."

"Then I'll surprise you."

Tweek continues on his pancakes after starting to brew some coffee.

"You would be great in a cafe, you would get tons of customers."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. You can make coffee, you can cook, and you're nice to look at. You would fit right in."

Tweek blushes. "I actually have wanted to run a cafe. Ever since I was little that was my life goal, but then the power stuff started happening and my parents gave me up to scientists who were paying for test subjects."

"Your parents sold you?"

"Yeah. If they're still alive right now, I hope they're living to regret it."


"What happened to your parents? You said your mom was taken?"

"Yeah. My parents didn't sell me because our whole family was taken. They took us all to a facility. For some reason they took mom from us. My dad and sister died in a malfunction and I escaped."

"Do you ever think about looking for your mom?"

Craig leans back, "sometimes, but I know if I get my hopes up it'll just be more devastating if she's gone. I can't take much more devastation."

"I know what you mean..."

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