Chapter 77

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Craig unties Tweek and lifts him off the table. "Can you stand?" Craig drapes his jacket over Tweek so that he wasn't just wearing pants.

Tweek throws his arms around Craig, hugging him as tightly as his weakened arms would allow. "You came! You found me! I knew you would!"

"I did... I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner..."

"You're actually here! I- I thought I was gonna..."

"I know baby, I know... I'm here now. You're safe. Let's get out of here."

Craig sets Tweek down and starts walking but Tweek trips. Craig catches him just in time.

"Ah, my legs aren't working, I think the venom messed them up..."

"It's okay. I'll carry you."

"What about the guards? If they see us you'll need to fight..."

"Don't worry about it. They're all dead."


"I killed every last one of them. They wouldn't tell me where you were so I had to get violent. Then I heard your screams and... my mind went blank."


"Sorry... let's talk about it later. Right now we need to get you home."


Craig carries Tweek out to the car. The sunlight hurts Tweeks eyes and it takes him a moment to adjust. He was able to clearly see Craig now. His hands were covered in blood and there was splatter on his face.

Craig sets Tweek in the back seat and crawls in from the other side.

Kenny starts the car, "Jesus, what happened to you?"

"Not my blood." Craig answers as he puts a seatbelt over Tweek.

"He okay?"

"Ask him yourself."

Tweek puts a hand on Craig's shoulder to reassure him, "I'm okay now... I'm out..."

Craig takes out a first aid kit he packed in his backpack. He tends to Tweeks arm wound as Kenny drives to the pickup point.

"There, all better. Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Tweek gives Craig a worried look. "I am... uh... take a deep breath before I show you this..."

Craig follows Tweeks instruction. Tweek slips off the jacket and leans forward, revealing his back.

Craig puts a hand over his mouth after he gasps. Tweeks back was torn to shreds.

"My god..."

Kenny sees the scene through his rear view mirror, "Oooo... yikes... that's a job for the medical team back home. Might wanna wrap that up until then."

Tweek flinches every time Craig's hand grazes the cuts.

"Sorry, Tweek... almost done..."

He finishes up and puts the jacket back on Tweek. He scoots over and puts an arm around Tweek.

"I can't believe they did this to you... what did they want?"

"They wanted me to work for them as a rat. They're trying to take us down."


Tweek rests his head on Craigs shoulder. He almost immediately falls asleep. He hadn't slept in over 42 hours. Craig's presence took away all of his worry.

Craig leans his head against the top of Tweeks, "I've got you... it's okay..."

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