Chapter 44

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"Can you see if there's anything on this? It was in the room."

Tweek gives Wendy the camera.

"Sure. You're back just in time, the security footage is almost done loading."

Wendy's computer screen shows squares containing video of parts of the office. Once the time hits 4pm, they all go black.

"What?" Wendy clicks a few things but nothing changes. "Damn it, someone blocked them out on purpose."

Tweek gets increasingly worried. "On purpose? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, this was definitely some hacking."

"So... Someone did this to Craig? Someone made him like this?"

"Probably... Let me see what I can do with the camera you brought back... it might take a bit."

"Okay, then I'm gonna visit Craig. Knowing someone here did something to him makes me worried, I need to tighten security on his room just incase someone is trying to kill him."

When Tweek gets to Craig's room, Heidi is just leaving. He stops her. "Heidi!"

"Oh, back already?"

"Yeah. Did you see anyone else come in?"

"Nope. Just you."

"That's a relief, thank you."

Tweek goes into Craig's room and sits in a chair he pulled up to the side. He takes Craig's hand.

"I'm gonna protect you, don't worry. No one but the doctors and Team A are gonna get in here. Whoever did this to you isn't getting in here. You're safe."

A nurse with a clipboard comes in. "Hey, just here to check on him, don't mind me."

Tweek sits back and watches the nurse do her checkup.


"What's wrong?" Tweek sits up.

"Somehow his condition has worsened... we put a stop to his organ decay, so why... someone must've tampered with the equipment..."

"That's impossible! Heidi said she was the only one in here?"

"I don't know what to say... other than we need this place on a tighter lockdown. You personally can choose which medical staff can come in or out, and you should assign bodyguards."

"Okay... then I only want you and Heidi in here."

"Understood, I'll let the staff know."

Tweek takes out his phone and texts the Team A group chat.

Wonder Tweek: Hey team. The four of us will need to take turns keeping watch on Craig, someone's been tampering with him, so we need 24 hour watch. Is that okay with everyone?

CallGirl: Fine by me, can me and Stan keep watch together if we double our time?

Wonder Tweek: That works.

ToolShed: fine by me.

Tupperware: Of course I'll help! Craigs our friend and a precious member of our team.

Wonder Tweek: Thank you guys, really.

Tweek notices a buzzing coming from the bed Craig was on. He checks under the blanket, Craig still had his phone on him.

"Maybe Wendy can hack into this... we can read his texts and search history to see if there's any clues..."

He puts the phone in his pocket and waits next to Craig for the rest of his shift, 5 hours.

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