Chapter 30

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After a week Team A meets up again to discuss the next mission.

Tweek leads the group as usual. "As you know, our next facility is in Utah. It's called Sven. They specialize in trippy stuff. Their subjects often have the power to confuse or straight up mind control. Our plan needs to take that into account. Since no one here was altered there we have to start from scratch on our knowledge. Mysterion is scouting the place for a map, until then we need to brainstorm ideas on how to counter their telepathy and mind control."

"How about we team up with the gadgeteers?  They could design a helmet or something to prevent their power from reaching our minds." Stan offers.

"That's a good idea, but we would need someone with psychic powers to test it with, the only one we have is the doctor, and he's too busy."

"What about Craig? Isn't his power close enough?"

Tweek turns to Craig, "Maybe... Craig? Would you be up for testing?"

"Sure. I can do that. But you have to be my partner."


"Like, the person I test it on, to see if the helmet is working."

"oh... Right, yeah I can do that."

Wendy giggles from across the table and Tweek sends a tiny bit of electricity through the floor to give her a shock. "eek!"

"Moving on."


When the meeting is over Craig leaves first.

Everyone turns to Tweek. 

Tolkien clasps his hands next to his face to exaggerate a lovestruck expression "Oh, Craig~ I'll be your p-partener!"


Tolkien and Stan break down laughing. Tweeks face is bright red.

Wendy does her best to hold in her laughter, "Come on guys, let's leave the poor guy alone. He's clearly down bad."

Stan wipes a tear from his eye, "Clearly."

Tweek puts a palm to his forehead, "Oh god... That was so dumb... What am I doing..."

"There, there, Tweek. It'll be okay. You're lucky Craig is as oblivious as you are." Wendy pats his back. "And, look on the bright side! You get to spend a lot of time with him now to work on the psych blocker!"

"I guess..."

"That's the spirit! Now get out of here, you need some water for that red face of yours. Little tomato."

Tweek rolls his eyes and leaves.

The next day Tweek and Craig meet down in Bebe's costume room.

Bebe greets them both, a bit more enthusiastic with Tweek. "Come in! This is Nicole from the gadget department. She will help me with the tech while I make the accessories. Tweek, you can sit back for a bit while we test Craig's ability for a control batch."

"Got it, thanks, Bebe." Tweek smiles politely at her.

She giggles, "Anytime cutie."

"Ahem!" Craig coughs from across the room to get Bebe's attention.

"Oh, right, you. Let's get started then."

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