Chapter 51

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Craig looks back and forth between Tweek and the doctor. "Huh?"

Tweek turns around and smiles, "You're like me now. You know how my colors are all off? Now yours will be too."

"Is that going to effect my power?"

"It didn't effect mine too much... but I'm not sure about you... one of your powers is centered around emotions..."

"I guess we'll just have to see..."

"Right. I'm sure everything will be fine." Tweek turns back to the doctor, "So? Is he good to be discharged?"

The doctor checks his chart one last time, "Yes... but we recommend he comes back for checkups once a week until we know more."

"Got it. Are you ready to go, Craig?"

"Yeah. I've definitely had enough of this room. Let's get back to my place."


Once Tweek safely delivers Craig to his room he takes off to his.

"Wait, Tweek."

"Hmm?" He turns around.

"Uh, do you want to come in?"

"I'm pretty tired..."

"I know, that's why you should come sleep."



Tweek blushes. "Sure..."

They go inside and Craig flops down on his bed, groaning from how comfortable it felt.

Tweek nervously crawled in as well, cuddling up to Craig.

He thought he would sleep easier with Craig, but his heart was beating faster than it ever had before.

"Craig? Are you amplifying my emotions right now?"


"Oh... it must just be me..."

"What's wrong?"

"My heart is about to beat out my chest..."

Craig laughs and wraps his arms around Tweek, pulling him in to cuddle. "Mine too."


Craig wakes up alone in his bed. He groans and sits up. He was still sore from being stuck in a bed for a couple weeks.

He slumps into the kitchen where Tweek is brewing coffee he had brought over from his room.

"Good morning, Craig."


"You're not a morning person."

"I'm not."

He sits at the kitchen table and puts his head down. Tweek sets a mug in-front of him.

Craig looks at the coffee, "Peruvian again?"

"No, Columbian."


Craig takes a sip and shakes his head around a bit.

"Yeah. It's a strong one. Extra dark."

"I like it."


"What are your plans today?"

"I have my workout, then a lunch meeting with the department heads minus Heidi, but after that I have nothing."

"Then go on a date with me. Let's get dinner together."

"A date?"

"Be my boyfriend, Tweek."

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