Chapter 68

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-Smut warning-

Craig crouches down to Tweeks level. He lifts one of Tweeks legs up so his knee is bent. He kisses and bites the insides of Tweeks thighs.


Craig keeps this up until Tweek is erect, then he moves to the star of the show.

He grips Tweeks length and begins to stroke it.

"Ah... a bit harder..."

Craig squeezes tighter and speeds up.

"Ah! Yes... yes... mmh..."

Craig gently licks the tip as he strokes. He moves his free hand up to Tweeks chest, lightly pinching his nipple.

"Craig... why are you so... mmm... good..?"

"Watched a few tutorials."

Craig puts his lips around the tip and starts sucking and licking. He bobs his head up and down.

Tweeks breathing alone was enough to reveal how good he was feeling.

Craig searches the color surrounding Tweek as he gives him head. It's all purple.

He finally sees the color he was looking for. A lighter purple that was harder to see. Pleasure.

Craig gradually increases the light purple.

"W-woah... what... oh god... so... hot..." Tweek grips the bedsheets beneath him.

Craig increases it more and more until Tweek starts to whimper.

"Craig, I'm gonna... I'm close..."

Craig shoves his head down so that Tweeks dick is hitting the very back of his throat. Tweek quickly finishes, twitching and whimpering.

Craig swallows everything Tweek gives him.

"Ugh, that's not a very good taste..."

"Haha.... I don't... think it's supposed to be..."

"Fair." Craig kisses Tweek before moving him to the top of the bed on a pillow.

Craig tucks Tweek in and begins to walk away.

"Wait! Are you not coming to bed?"

"I need to feed Stripe. I'll be back in a second."


The next day after going to the gym Craig gives in and gets a suit made from Bebe. She was just as enthusiastic as usual, and Craig was just as annoyed.

The suit ends up being ready just in time for the funeral. It's a jet black three piece tuxedo.

Tweek and Craig get ready together on the day of the funeral. Tweek combs his hair back with hair gel and puts on a dark blue suit and his best watch, he finishes getting ready way before Craig, he is still getting his hair situated.

"Craig? Do you need any help?"

"No, just trust the process. I should be done in 30 minutes."

Tweek looks at his watch, they have an hour before they need to get there but Tweek likes to be early. He waits anxiously.

Finally Craig walks out. Tweek instantly forgets how anxious he was when he sees Craig.

Tall, slick black hair, tailored suit, perfect jawline and eyebrows, and those thick pink lips.


"How do I look?" Craig spins around to show his entire outfit.

"Once we get back I'm ripping that off you."

"You don't like it?"

"No, quite the opposite." Tweek stands up. "You look amazing."

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