Chapter 47

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"Why?! Why did you do this?!"

Heidi sighs, "I was told to."

"By who?"

"I can't tell you that."

"At least tell us how to cure him!"

"I can't do that either."

Tweek looks at Stan, "Restrain her."

Stan gets up and pulls one of Heidi's arms behind her back.

"Keep her there, I'm getting Dr. Timothy."

"Got it."

Tweek finds Dr. Timothy in his office.

"Dr. Timothy? We have a situation."

"What is it?"

"Heidi Turner drugged a member of my team."

"That is concerning... which member?"

"Craig. He's in a critical state, she had the intention of killing him."

"Where is she now?"

"Medical wing."

Dr. Timothy disappears, having teleported to the medical wing. Tweek hurries to catch up with him.


An emergency meeting was set to take place later that day to discuss the situation and Heidi's standing in the company. Tweek stayed with Craig up until the meeting.

Tweek ended up being the first in the meeting room, then Timothy, then Cartman, then Heidi.

Heidi glances at Cartman with a worried look when she walks in, but Cartman goes out of his way to ignore her.

"Let us begin." Dr. Timothy announces. "Heidi, we've already uncovered that you have the cure for Craig. I'm sorry to say that your position in the company will need to be taken, but, I'm willing to not call the police and get you arrested for attempted murder IF you give us the cure."

Heidi looks at Cartman, he looks away. "Fine. I'll do it."

Cartman looks back at her. "Heidi. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I am." She scowls at him. Knowing he purposefully set everything up for Heidi to take the fall made her angrier than she had ever been. But she still had a spot in her heart for the manipulative boy, so she didn't tell the others of his involvement. "In my lab, the safe code is 2257. There's a bag that you just have to hook up to the IV and drip it at 0.5 milligrams until it's empty. That will reverse the effects. I don't know if it will fix him at this point, however."

"Why?" Tweek asks, worried.

"Too much damage may have already been done. I would say there's a 50% chance he survives, and if he does, there's a 75% chance he has brain damage, he may even be paralyzed."

Tweek stands up to leave but the doctor tells him to sit back down.

"Heidi, in the clip I was played, there are two voices. It appears you were working for someone, that there is a mastermind here. Who was it?"

"I..." she looks at Cartman, "I'm sorry, I can't..."

Tweek gets up again and storms out, he had enough of the bullshit and just wanted to get the IV.

Tweek searches Heidi's lab, there's a small metal box with a code on it. The safe.

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