Chapter 1

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In a world of crime and corruption, groups band together to try and put a stop to the madness. Hero's and villains arise.

Recently, power has gained a new meaning. Power used to mean control, but now it's all too true to the definition. Power is power. Scientists developed ways for normal people to gain power. Some would call it super power. Injecting lightning or darkness into someone's DNA, creating power never seen before.

This newfound power was separated into categories. Healers, fighters, defenders, and enhancers. Subdivisions like Speedster, Brutalist, Blaster, Psychic, Cyborg, Gadgeteer, Martial Artist, Assassin, Elementalist, and Plantmancer also arose. Society changed as its people did. Life became more dangerous with no proven ways of suppressing the power of the super humans.

Soon enough, parents started taking their children to labs so they could live as super human and gain the advantages that society developed. That, my friend, is where this story begins.

At just the age of 19 a boy named Tweek Tweak became the face of a superhuman organization dedicated to fighting those who abuse their power. He wasn't a boy who enjoyed the spotlight, but due to how the press covered the organizations battles, he became a poster boy.

His organization was called Freedom P, FP for short. They take pride in making sure society remains free, freedom being a number one priority, hence the name.

The boss of this organization was a Psycic class hero named Dr. Timothy. He wasn't born with the ability to properly communicate. He was taken to scientists to gain power to speak to people without using a voice. He gained unwanted powers without having a say. He was a lab rat. He escaped by mastering teleportation and vowed to one day put a stop to the scientists who alter human DNA.

Tweek is called into Dr. Timothy's office for a new mission.

He speaks to Tweek through telepathy.

"Tweek. As you have recently been made the leader of team A, I'm sending you on a recruitment mission. We have info on a brutalist in Colorado who has been stirring things up. His name is Craig Tucker. His abilities and attitude could greatly influence our following and our ability to achieve our goal. With him on your team you would have all bases covered. Please go find him and convince him to join the FP foundation."

"Understood sir."

Tweek is given a packet containing information on Craig Tucker, including his address and power load out.

"Doctor, will I be bringing any other members?"

"No. Due to his attitude and power it's best if only you go. He will get uncomfortable if we send too many people. And if things go wrong you are the only one who has the necessary power to stand against his attacks. Be careful."

"Yes, s-sir."

Tweek was nervous, because of his powers, he twitches and stutters when he overloads on emotion.

Tweek catches the first flight to Colorado and begins his search for the brutalist boy.

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