Chapter 34

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Tweek lies in his bed, thinking about everything that has happened in the past month. When Craig first came he was a bit awkward but he seemed to have loosened up around everyone.

"I remember when he first came into the rec room, he said he didn't have any clothes," Tweek giggles to himself.

"Haha... I can't believe he just came in with his thing hanging out... his... oh god." Tweek turns to his side, "Don't think about it, don't think about it..."

But it was too late, the only image in Tweeks mind was of Craig's naked body.

"God... I want him to touch me so badly... I want him here with me, I want him to trace my skin with his big hands..."

Tweek blushes and shoves his face into a pillow.


Two days pass. Tweek sees Craig in the hall but he can't bring himself to talk to him after he imagined him naked, and thought up fake scenarios in bed.

Monday morning is zip line day. Team A meets on the roof of the FP building.

50 stories up, Tolkien crawls to the edge, hanging on for dear life. "Guys, are we sure this is a good idea?"

Wendy tightens the zip line to a pole on the roof. "We need to practice, if you get all scared during a mission it could compromise things."

"Aw, man..." Tolkien scoots back until he is safe from the ledge.

"Scared of heights?" Craig kneels down to Tolkien's level.

"No, I'm just scared of falling to my fucking death!"

"I can help you."

"With your freaky voodoo power?"

"We all have freaky voodoo powers."

"I thought you could only control anger."

"I've been practicing with Tweek, he has a lot of anxiety so I'm much better at pinpointing it."

"Oh, he must be grateful."

"He doesn't know."


"Dude, shut up!"

"Sorry... so you've been taming the wild Tweeks anxiety and he doesn't even know?"

"I'm sure he has a hunch. He's a smart guy. I just don't tell him when I do it, easier to just take care of things."

Tolkien smiles, "You must really like him~"

"Yeah, we all do."

"I'm saying you probably have a thing for him."

"He's a guy."

"Two guys can date!"

"Are you gay?"

"Nah, but you are."

"How can you be so sure?"

"If you heard the way you talk about Tweek you would know."

"Whatever. Do you want me to help or not?"


Craig focuses for a second, "There."

Tolkien stands up and peaks over the edge. "It worked! Thanks, man."

"No problem. I can help you out when we do the real deal too."


Wendy claps her hands, "It's ready!"

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