Chapter 61

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"You know a lot about space?"

"I do, I find it very interesting."

"Tell me more. Like a bedtime story."

Craig starts listing off all the facts about space that he kept in his brain. After 20 minutes Tweek is sound asleep in Craig's arms.

"Goodnight, my galaxy."


Tweek and Tolkien load everything onto the helicopter.

"Is this everything?" Tweek scans the roof.

"Yeah, we can get going."

"Everyone get on! Let's do this."

Tweek takes his seat next to Craig and the helicopter takes off. Craig interlocks his fingers with Tweeks while Tweek snuggled into his shoulder.

"You always sleep on these flights."

"I find sleeping in the air to be really peaceful..."

"Okay. Get some sleep then, I'll wake you up in a few hours."


The helicopter lands near a big wheat farm. Zen was an underground facility, so they just needed to find the entrance.

Wendy projects her map into the air as she walks. "A few more feet... and then a left here..."

She steps onto a large metal sheet. "Found it. Toolshed, if you would."

Stan steps forward and breaks the lock on the door, sliding it open with a disgusting metal scrape.

The team jumps into the open door. Inside is a few long hallways, the metal walls illuminated by white lanterns.

Tweek looks around, "Looks like this is where we part ways. I'll see you two at the console."

Craig hugs Tweek, "Be safe."

"I will."

Craig and Tolkien take off down a separate hallway.

Tolkien looks at the device in his robotic arm to see the map. "Alright, just around this corner should be the control room."

They run into a big room filled with monitors and buttons. There are about 10 guards inside.

"I got this." Tolkien steps forward, his robotic arm morphing into a sub-machine gun. He takes out all 10 guards within seconds.

He turns to Craig and smiles.

"Fine... that was pretty impressive."

"Thank you!"

Craig approaches the terminal. There's screens for every camera. The first thing he looks for is Tweek. He sees a little blonde puffle running down one of the main halls. He smiles.

Tolkien points to a screen, "There's the cells. I'll run down there. You pull the switch here and I'll guide them out."

"Got it."

Tolkien runs down the stairs to the cell area. He sees some familiar faces. "Everyone! Im from Freedom P. I'm here to release you all! No more testing or experimentation, you're free as of right now!"

Cheering fills the room. Craig flips the switch to release all the locks.

Tolkien presses his earpiece, "I'll escort them out, you get to the console."


Craig takes one last look at the cameras. He sees the room he was kept in with his family. It was empty now. "Guess she's gone..."

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