Chapter 402: Li Haoran (2)

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“Master Xun, what was that?” Lang Shen frowned.

“Let’s have a look,” Master Xun said thoughtfully as she followed the source of the commotion.

Since Ming Yu Xue rarely gets angry, he only witnessed her once playing her zither like that. The time when she got exiled

“I won’t make any excuses; you can vent all your anger. I just came to talk to her,” Li Haoran said after keeping his distance. Sweat trickled down his forehead. However, he was indeed impressive, as he only got slashed once on his shoulder.

Hearing his words fueled Ming Yu Xue’s anger even more, and it also stirred her fear of getting separated from her son. Her attacks keep getting so wild that they also affect her people.

“First miss, you need to stop. Ahh.” Xing Er was about to stop her, but she was flicked aside harshly.

Thankfully, Master Xun arrived on time and was able to block most of the impact.

“Young master Li, why are you fighting with the city lord?” Lang Shen and the others were stunned. They all know about these three uninvited guests.

“I don’t have time to explain; young master Lang, please take my sisters away.” Li Haoran gritted his teeth. Hecouldn’t focus because he still needed to protect these two.

“This...” Master Xun was stunned when he saw Li Haoran’s face and compared it to the baby he was holding; they looked alike. He just casually asked about Zi Mo’s father, but Ming Yu Xue never answered her, and her expression was off, so he didn't pursue the matter.

“Keep your distance and don’t interfere,” he strictly ordered as he moved away to watch from afar. Since he’s not sure of what happened, he decided to become a spectator.

On the other side, Ming Yu Hua has shared a connection with Ming Yu Xue, and she was also affected by her overwhelming rage. She quickly used a teleportation talisman to arrive in Medicine City, and when she saw her sister pinned by a man, her anger couldn’t be controlled. She was already affected by Ming Yu Xue’s emotions, so it was very easy for her to lose her rationality.

“This is bad; protect yourselves and run as far as you can!” Master Xun exclaimed as his figure disappeared before he could even finish his words. The others were shocked at the development of the situation but instinctively followed him. Xing Er knows the most about her master, so she was the first to take their people away.

“Clang! Clang! Clang!” just enough for everyone to save their own skin, the frightening sound of the zither reverberated. They could feel their souls shivering, as though something hellish had brushed through them.

“Master Xun, what’s happening?” Xi Huang asked as he wiped the cold sweat from his cheeks.

“That’s how frightening the twin phoenix is,” he simply answered.

“This is bad, master Xun; we have to stop them.” Lang Shen frowned. Unsure what to do, this is going beyond his imagination.

“I don’t have a way; either that boy has to do his best until those two use up all of their strength or else...” Master Xun trailed off, but they all got what he meant as they witnessed two deadly notes in harmony destroying everything in their wake. Half of the palace was already in ruins.

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