Chapter 439: Calamity Forest (1)

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The array shook as lightning struck, and thousands of peach blossom petals tried to penetrate it. 

“Ahh, there are cracks showing up,” Han Yu gasps, a little terrified. The others also started panicking as the first layer of the array shattered. 

“Xingze, let’s quickly repair it.” Yu Yue also frowned. The rest also quickly tried to assist them. 

“Yu yue, this is bad; the crystal stones can’t last long.” Hai Xingze’s face paled. 

“Senior brothers and sisters, we have to rely on you guys to maintain the barrier once the fifth layer array shattered. We will add more layers, but just in case,” Yu Yue said to Lang Shen solemnly. 

“Alright, we will support the barrier.” Lang Shen also nodded seriously; he understood their current predicament. 

“Everyone, in position,” Lang Shen said with a heavy tone. They infused their spirit qi into the barrier to support it as the fourth layer of the array started cracking. They were all nervous, but they didn’t cower away and chose to trust each other to support the barrier. 

On the other hand, Yu Yue and Xingze work together to arrange another array; at most, they can only arrange up to five layers of protection.
They were still arranging when the fifth layer shattered. Everyone supported the barrier; sometimes their hearts nearly jumped as the barrier shook. 

“Senior brother and sisters, the array can only withstand for two hours, and it takes half an hour to set it up, and with your strength combined, the barrier lasts for three hours.” You briefed them as she calculated. So to say they have to rest for two hours and recover, then support the barrier again for another three hours. 

“Ah, hopefully we can last till morning,” Feng Miran choked. She’s already this exhausted. Wouldn’t she become a vegetarian after this ends?

They persevered until the morning. They only heaved a sigh of relief as they slumped to the ground weakly, though a joyful smile was plastered on their faces. 

After the sky brightened, the entire peach blossom forest was covered with pink petals, leaving all the peach blossom trees empty. 

After recovering, they quickly drag their tired bodies around, hoping to get out of here soon. 

However, it took them three days to get out of the calamity forest. Dark circles were visible under their eyes, and their hairs were scattered messily compared to their grandiose first day. Right now, they look like beggars; they can’t even bear to look at each other. They didn’t even bother to set up their fancy tents.
“Thankfully, we’re out of that hellish forest,” Xi Huang sighed as he lay still on the ground motionlessly, not caring a little bit about his appearance or demeanor. 

“I'll never want to step foot in that forest ever again,” Han Yan gnashed her teeth angrily. 

“Ahh, my lustrous long hair! Where did it go? "Hai Xingze first took his silver mirror and cried mournfully. 

Yu Yue wasn’t any better either; her hair was scattered everywhere. Her fingertips were full of blisters, and her clothes were disheveled. 

Everyone lay on the ground motionlessly while panting; their foreheads were covered with sweat. Their faces paled, but aside from their disarray, nobody sustained any heavy injuries. Aside from being exhausted and having hands and feet full of blisters, they were fine. 

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