Chapter 534: Eastern Border (3)

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Three days later, they arrived at the border, and Bai Chen Yu was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground.

There were a lot of injured soldiers, and Yu Yue couldn’t just close an eye, so she and her group helped with the treatment.

Right now it’s a rare time for her to be free, so she went to look for Bai Chen Yu, and she found him mulling over a map as he observed the topography.

“what’s wrong? ”You asked casually.

“It’s weird; why would they suddenly attack without any rhyme or reason?” Bai Chen Yu muttered thoughtfully as he marked some places.

“What’s in here? ”You pointed to an inconspicuous location. After glancing at the maps, she could pinpoint that something’s wrong at that location.

“It’s a mountain forest; did you also suspect that this is a diversion? "Bai Chen Yu replied doubtfully. He didn’t expect her to be well versed in the art of war.

“According to their pattern of attacks, it seems like they were trying to break through the borders at first glance. But it can also be seen that they were trying to weaken the security in this place. It’s either they want to get through that place or they were up to something,” Yu Yue said thoughtfully. A little tear can’t cover that far, so she didn’t know.

“I should go there to check,” Bai Chen Yu said as he stood up to leave.

“I’ll go with you,” Yu Yue said, so the two of them left with Bai He and Bai Hu.

“Interesting,” Yu Yue said as she saw what they were up to through a little tear.

“What is it? "Bai Chen Yu asked suspiciously.

“They were mining crystal ores,” Yu Yue said.

“That must be why they diverted our attention so they could mine here without worry. How cunning!” Bai Chen Yu narrowed his eyes as they soon found the scene.

They observe for a while before going back without alerting the enemies.

Soon, he thought of a plan as he gathered relevant people to discuss his findings and their next course of action.

Although it looks simple on the surface, it actually took a lot of effort to actually do it. Bai Chen Yu charged to the battlefield as they waited for reinforcements and the experts to tackle the mine.

After that, they slowly took control of the mine, and the entire process took place for more than a month.

Now, they only have two weeks left for their wedding, so they settled the matter on the border as they went back valiantly.

On their way home, though, they didn't take the airship, as Yu Yue wants her people to gain more experience, so she took her carriage, so they encountered spirit beasts and rounds of assassination.

Since the situation before was so sudden, they didn’t have the time to deal with those people in the capital, giving them another chance to jump around. The wedding is just around the corner, so they really don’t have the spare time to deal with it right now.

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