CHAPTER 520: swore an oath (2)

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She first taught them basic etiquette, then gave them cultivation manuals and resources after Butler White determined their talent and what’s best for time. They already have a foundation, and they are also rich in combat experience; they just need proper nurturing and resources.

Even the most ordinary among them improves greatly by leaps and bounds; once they go out, they will be considered dragons and phoenixes.

While they were busy cultivating, Yu Yue busied herself refining a long, thin, double-edged blade that could be attached to Yun Li’s legs. “Yun li, try these on.” Yu yue personally attached the sword leg. Yu li didn’t know how to use it at first, but she then got the hang of it and found it really convenient. Although she was blind, her senses were extraordinarily sharp. He could also see using her divine senses, so she knew that her new legs were sharp swords.

“Thank you, master; Yun Li likes it very much.” Yun Li spoke for the first time, her voice quivering. Due to her race, she was really pretty, just like Hong Mei. It was just too bad her eyes couldn’t be repaired anymore.

“That’s great; take care of it,” you said, smiling beautifully.

As for Yun Chun, she gave her a double-ended sword. She can attach and detach it as she wishes, and she also likes it very much.

As for Yun Tao, she has a triangle-shaped blade that is small and convenient, just perfectly fitting for her. Yu Yue learned that, although she was the youngest, she has a cold-blooded nature and is tricky to deal with.

Xiang Wanwan got a flexible sword like a whip, unlike Xiao Xiao’s sword; hers was more like a whip, but it’s a blade, and it's very difficult to control. Thankfully, she was really flexible, and she learned how to manipulate the whip like a sword quickly.

Yun An has a two-end chained dagger. Yun Zhi has a fan with razor-sharp blades once unfolded. As for the group of bandits, they like swords, axes, and spears.

Four weeks later, you brought them out of the space, and they had different breaths. Their posture was upright, and they were completely different from the person they were four weeks ago.

That’s to be expected, though; four weeks here was the equivalent of ten years inside space. Butler White accelerated the flow of time more than a hundred times, so they were like different people right now.

“Master, how long have we been gone for? ”Xiaowanwan asked doubtfully, as nothing changed in the courtyard when they left here.

“about four weeks, you thought so.

“Ah, I feel like that was several years already,” Cai Guan muttered in disbelief.

"The flow of time there was different; you stayed there for over ten years,” you patiently explained.

“Ah, that’s why,” they all exclaimed understandingly.

“Alright, you guys rest first; we will leave for the capital tomorrow,” Yu Yue said as she dismissed everyone except for the girls, as they were her personal maid servants.

When Bai He and Bai Hu encountered the bandits, they almost couldn’t believe it themselves, as though they were dreaming as they took in their changes. They even thought they recognized the wrong person; all of them have a heroic spirit, and they were even stronger than the two of them combined compared to the first time they met.

Aside from that, their personalities have changed as well. They were no longer meek and servile.

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