CHAPTER 441: heart pearl fruit (1)

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“No, but it should still be asleep now. It only wakes up at night to hunt for prey,” she said as a matter of fact.

“All right, let’s go,” Ying Yue said as she took out her grayish pearl earrings, which merged into one and enlarged like a soft metallic liquid. Then it started changing shape, resembling a small boat that could fit all of them. After the shape is formed, it then hardens into a solid, light metal texture.

They were all amazed except for Xi Huang, and as they stepped onto it, they couldn’t help but admire it. He has seen it countless times, so he’s already used to it.

It slowly floats to the other side without causing any waves.

Everyone quieted down as sweat trickled down their foreheads. They couldn’t afford to make a sound or cause a riffle in the swamp for fear of waking up what kind of monster was sleeping beneath the swamp, so they were so tensed.

They only breathed loudly after crossing the other side.

Underneath the swamp, though, a huge red eye opened slowly as though sensing the commotion above. However, it simply rolled its eyes for a while before going back to sleep.

The group continued, and they defeated every spirit beast that they encountered effortlessly. Yu Yue was the one in charge of drawing the map, so she rarely lifts her hands to deal with the spirit beasts.

Occasionally, you would grab some medicinal herbs here and there. She’s already good with her martial arts under Master Hong Fei’s teaching, and right now she’s much more interested in alchemy and refining pills.

‘majesty, help me find some rare treasures’ yu yue summoned the blue elephant, who never got tired of guarding the spirit blood tree.

‘Hmmp, you finally remembered that you still have me’ the adorable elephant threw a tantrum cutely.

‘...’ yu yue scratched her nose; she didn’t deliberately forget about him. He’s the one who doesn’t like to come out and play. After hearing from Butler White that this adorable thing is actually good at finding rare medicinal treasures, she would never really bother it at all.

‘Eh, if you’d like to come out and play in the future, just tell me, she said with a fawning smile. Unlike the yin-yang bears, who would occasionally make a ruckus to have some fun, majesty is the most behaved and introverted one.

‘hmmp’ Majesty turned his face sideways, his nose pointing to the sky.

Yu Yue tried to coax it for a long time.

‘Butler White, come out, help me coax it’ yu yue called out Butler White in resignation; she also kind of misses messing with his luscious white fur.

“This guy likes rare medicinal pills,” Butler White said as it jumped around and grabbed random pills for spirit beasts that you used to refine while practicing.

So when others returned, they were stunned to see a white bunny and a blue elephant eating medicinal pills like candy.

“Butler White” Zhuang Lan beamed as the little guy jumped into his embrace and haughtily asked him to feed it some pills.

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