CHAPTER 551: Grandma Yu (3)

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After Yu Yue got out of the immortal continent, her grandma brought them back directly to their clan, so Yu Yue could only send someone to let Hong Mei pick up Cai Guan and the others.

Yu Yue found out from her grandma that as long as someone has reached the pinnacle of this realm’s cultivation, they can tear the space open to the sealed immortal continent.

Of course, there’s a special way to enter. Even if one has already reached the pinacle, they can’t just directly enter. They also need the token that could allow them to pass and open space to restricted continents.

Grandma Yu lends the token to Yu Yue so Hong Mei can easily enter the immortal continent.

At this time, Bai Chen Yu is already back in the capital after recuperating in the temple, and he still doesn’t know what the dragon seal is for. Even his master didn’t know what it was, so he can only hold on to it and do some research.

Cai Guan and his brothers were all bored waiting in the residence when suddenly, a powerful aura covered the sky and several figures with bamboo hats surrounded the general’s manor.

“Ah, those people came again. And there are so many of them.” Cai Guan trembled as he pointed at hundreds of figures in the sky.

“We’re finished this time. The master isn’t here,” one of Cai Guan’s brothers cried out bitterly.

Yu Yue’s residence and the generals’s manor were just separated by a wall, so they could naturally see what’s up in the sky. Even the entire capital noticed it as they appeared so suddenly.

“Master, you should leave quickly! "Bai Hu cried out in alarm as he went to report.

“Even if we run away, we’re completely surrounded,” Bai Chen Yu said with a grim expression as he calmly went out and flew up to the sky to meet his uninvited guests.

“Bai chen yu, if you don’t want to die hand over the dragon’s seal,” an arrogant tone spoke. He seems to have a high status in this group.

“Hmmp, let’s see if you have the ability,” Bai Chen Yu snorted as he wielding his spear dominerously.

“Hmmp, how arrogant,” the man snorted coldly as he started attcking without saying anything more.

Bai He and Bai Hu also flew up to help their master. Seeing such a scene, Cai Guan and his brothers also went up to help.

This time there are five people with the same strength as the previous two they killed before.

“Tsk, I wonder how Bai Chen Yu could defeat two of our elders when he could hardly deal with two at the same time. ”The third elder frowned.

“He must be lucky that his master happened to be around that time,” the second elder said as they watched the sixth and seventh elders attack Bai Chen Yu.

"It must be true; I don’t believe this brat has the skills to kill the fifth and fourth elders.” The first elder touched his beard.

They already searched the entire residence with their divine sense, and they haven’t found any other experts, possibly hiding in the dark.

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