Chapter 475: This handsome brother (2)

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Yue fed the injured young man a healing pill, and then she brought him to a safe place after bandaging his injuries.

It wasn't until two days later that the injured man finally woke up. His eyes fluttered, and he saw a little white dragon and a blue elephant eating pills like candy.

When he turned his head, he saw a young lady reading a book in a bamboo hammock. Her black hair was fluttering lightly, and her white robes swayed with the wind. The sun was about to set, and the afterglow made her appear like a fairy.

"Mother, the handsome uncle is awake," little Pie said, breaking the silence.

"Oh, great! "Yu yue exclaimed as she put the book down and went to his side to check his condition.

"You're fine; fine, just need at most another three days of rest, then we can set off," Yu Yue said as she handed him a pill to take.

"Where are we going? "The man looked at her suspiciously.

"I've been here for more than a month, and I need to get out of here. I'm not sure where this is, so I need you to show me the way," she said flatly as she looked him in the eye.

"Hmmp, why should I do that? "The man frowned.

"Then I'll injure you again in your previous situation, and I'll pretend we never meet each other." Yu Yue crossed her arms as she smiled cunningly.

Then the man realized, as he checked his own condition, that he was almost back to his peak condition. He finally understood what she meant; she must have used a lot of life-saving treasures just because she needed him to lead the way for her.

"tch! "He snorted but didn't say anymore as he accepted the pill.

"Alright, rest well," Yu Yue said. She never asked for anything, not even his name. She didn't care, and she didn't want to know. She simply wants to get out of it to try her luck in auction houses.


Three days later, Yu Yue and the two munchkins followed the man's lead as they slowly headed out of the black mountain forest.

"Say, this handsome brother, how long will it take to leave this place? "You asked curiously.

"From here on, at least more than a month," the man answered thoughtfully as he calculated their distance.

"Oh, what kind of place is this, by the way? "You asked curiously.

"This is the most dangerous and largest forest called the Dark Mountain Forest," the man answered.

"Oh, can you tell me the largest city where I can find an auction house, and also what currency do you use here? "Yu yue said as she asked casually.

They were flying with the man's contract beast, a blue fire bird, so they were sitting throughout the journey, and she's bored to death.

The man observed Yu Yue; he couldn't understand how a weak young lady like her could survive this place alone. She looks very clueless as well; he was sure she's not from this place at all. Could it be that he was overthinking and she was just lucky to have survived in this place?

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