Chapter 426: Ill fated (1)

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Three days later,several forces surrounded the imperial capital. The one hundred students were distributed fairly among the ten elders from the academy.

Coincidentally, Master Hong Fei was one of the elders who spearheaded uprooting Shadow Lord’s forces.

The jade moon palace celestial guardians were also busy uprooting the death fog cultivators in other regions. It’s the first time they publicly appear together, so they were really eye-catching, coupled with their masks. Tales of their heroic deeds were spread everywhere they went, but nobody really knew about their origin; they simply came and went.

Since they all came prepared this time and Master Hong Fei personally made a move, nothing unexpected happened. Aside from the modified human who could fight with Hong Mei last time, the others were just failures or not strong enough. Thankfully, they only appeared in the northern sky region and not in any other regions.

The woman with purple robes fought one-on-one with Yu Changlu.

Yu Yue never really knew how powerful her mother was—not until today, when she fought the woman with purple robes fiercely. They could feel the sky rippling with torrential waves of spirit qi as they fought. If they fought on the ground, they would cause unimaginable damage beyond repair.

“Senior sister has become even stronger, huh?” The woman with purple robes is also unexpectedly proficient with music attack, but her style is quite similar to yours.

"It seems like Junior's sister is still so so, even after stealing Master's inheritance,” Yu Changlu mocked as she flicked a string, sending a powerful move that could have almost slashed the sky open.

“Hmmp, this junior sister will send you to hell today,” the woman with purple robes spat hatefully. As it turns out, she was her junior sister from the same sect and master; however, because of her jealousy, she always tried to surpass Yu Changlu.

In the end, she was tricked by someone and indirectly killed their master, causing the end of their sect just because she tried to steal his inheritance since she had no chance of obtaining it. Fortunately, the first half was with Yu Changlu since she was practicing it at that time. Now the second half couldn't be used at all; that’s why she’s after her to get the first half of the inheritance. As it so happens, the Sage Valley is after her for some nonsensical prophecy, and her master, the one she’s currently serving, was also looking for another thing that might have to do with Yu Changlu or her daughters.

"Ah, you’re much more vicious and decisive now compared to before,” Yu Chang Lu lamented as she pulled a sword after tapping the side of her zither.

“And you became a joke; where’s your resoluteness? "She mocked as she parried her blows with a string, wrapping the sword in a bind.

“Foolish little girl,” yu chang lu smiled sinisterly as several daggers flew out from her zithers front side. Her junior sister was tricked and was hit in the left shoulder.

“you’re shameless! You actually poisoned me,” she gritted her teeth angrily after her left hand lay limply at the side.

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