Chapter 502: no way Back (2)

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"Big brother, can I trouble you to feed them this? ," she said as she handed him jars of colorful fruit pills. It was chewy, and she refined it using the spirit fruits. Humans can eat it as well, as it is highly nutritious.

"Ah, this is? "Bai, he asked curiously as he gulped down his saliva. It actually smells so good and sweet, making him salivate.

"It's fruit candies; you can try some too," Yu Yue smiled as she went back to cooking.

"Looking at the four pairs of eyes looking at him patiently, he could only brace himself as he slowly fed them one by one. He couldn't contain his curiosity anymore, so he tried some, and his eyes sparkled. He figured that every color tastes different.

"Ah, sorry," Bai said sheepishly, as he forgot to feed them as he was enjoying himself too much. When he saw that Yu Yue didn't mind, he sneakily took some more.

Not long later, Yu Yue finally finished cooking and roasting. Her pets like roasted or grilled meats the most.

"Big brother, let's eat," Yu Yue said as she served the dishes. She even cut her pet's food into bite-sized pieces.

"Oh, okay," Bai said, feeling like everything happened too fast. For the first time, he feels so relaxed and enjoys himself; everything appears too fast for him.

He could no longer count how many times she got stunned or surprised today after he followed this young lady.

He felt numb already as the four little things ate elegantly, to the point that he was conscious and embarrassed with his table manners while eating. He also found it weird that you actually eat together with servants like him.

After their meal, Yu Yue was too tired for today, so she went to rest directly. She told Bai that he could sleep, but he insisted on keeping watch, so she let him be.

She couldn't be bothered, as too much happened today that she couldn't even ask questions. So she left it for tomorrow.

The next morning, they set off for their journey early.

Yu Yue learned from Bai He that the nearest city from the temple is about a week's journey, so they took their time. She wasn't in a hurry anyway.

"By the way, big brother, where am I actually? "You asked curiously.

"We just came from the immortal's temple," he answered weirdly.

"I mean, just exactly," she sighed exasperatedly. Just then, he remembered that she didn't seem to be from here.

"Ah, this is the immortal continent; right now we are in the Zou Empire, and the place that we're heading towards right now is the Xiao Prefecture," Bai explained clearly, making you frown.

She hasn't heard of this place before, and why can't she use the teleportation compass here?

"Is this continent a part of the lower realm, the middle realm, or the higher realm? "You asked after giving it some thought.

"This is part of the higher realms, but it's sealed off, so people from other realms can't enter this place at all," he replied after racking his brains.

"Then how can you get out of here and go to other realms? "You asked curiously.

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