CHAPTER 444: heart pearl fruit (4)

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“Phew, that was close,” Xi Huang muttered after escaping disaster. His heart throbs as he looks at the part of the forest that was razed to ashes in a split second.

“Let’s stay further away and hope these two monsters will fight to the death,” Yue said as she quickly retreated a safe distance away.

Xi Huang followed suit, and Yu Yue was about to follow when the gigantic tree collapsed, revealing its hollowed inside, where a glistening plant with round pearly white fruits was revealed from inside.

‘Yu yue, take that plant away; it’s the heart’s pearl fruit, Butler White said anxiously.

“It’s actually hidden in a hollowed tree,” she beamed, and she didn’t hesitate to uproot the entire plant and send it back to space.

“What are you doing? "Xi Huang’s eyes widened as he quickly summoned his spirit plant and coiled it around Yu Yue’s waist, planning to drag her immediately.

“Phew—thankfully it wasn’t trampled,” she sighs fearfully.

“The hell, you’re still in the mood to collect weird plants,” Yeyue pressed her lips a little angry and amused at her.

“Junior sister, let's go; this isn’t the time for that,” Xi Huang reprimanded as he didn’t let her go. Just like that, she was carried like a sack of potatoes as they rendezvoused with Zhuang Lan and the others.

“what happened? "Chen Si asked worriedly.

“Hmmp, you ask this girl with big guts,” Xi Huang snorted as he slumped to the ground. He suddenly shivered; that was really close.

The rest look at you inquisitively.

“I simply pluck some rare plants,” she said sheepishly.

“must be crazy! "Hong Chen pouted at her after checking she wasn’t injured.

“It’s rare and precious, though; I can’t bear for it to be trampled on,” she quibbled without any confidence.

“Ah, there must be something wrong with your brain,” little Hong Chen snorted disdainfully.

“Save your energy; it's too early to be too happy,” Yue frowned as she looked at the two monarch beasts in mid-stage fighting fiercely in the distance.

She could tell that the worm-like creature is at a disadvantage in the in the sense it can’t move as fast as in the swamp. This area isn’t its natural habitat, so even though the two of them were equally strong, they weren’t equally matched.

The battle lasted for an hour, and a large area of the forest was in devastating danger.

The ginormous worm-like monster lay limply on the ground as the fiery lizard bit its body. It was severely injured and died not long after.

“Let’s leave quickly.” Xi Huang suddenly stood up as the ground trembled as the monarch beast went in their direction.

“Ah, not good; this guy is obviously chasing after us,” Han Yin cried in panic.

“It can still run so fast,” Zhuang Lan frowned.

“It's a monarch beast after all,” Yue said crisply.

“Not good, there’s a bottomless cliff up front; we’re cornered.” Chen Si’s eyes narrowed as he quickly scanned the surroundings.

Before they could think much, the fiery lizard hissed at them ferociously.

They have no way out, aside from fighting it.

“Prepare yourselves,” Xi Huang said bitterly.

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