Chapter 486: Piercing Arrows (2)

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Seeing that those people were desperately trying to get it inside, Xue'er frowned.

“Ahh, let us in, please.” Some people started begging to the point that they couldn’t ignore it anymore.

Sensing that she was in a dilemma, Yuling narrowed his eyes as he erected a second layer barrier for those small fries. If these people tried to attack their barrier out of desperation, it would be bad, so he could only create a second layer of barrier for them.

“Thank you, sir,” those people said profusely as they slumped into the ground weakly. The others, who unfortunately didn’t make it, ended up becoming food for the bats. They were only left with white bones after their screams reverberated.

“tch! ”Yu ling grunted; he’s not doing this out of kindness. He just doesn’t want these people to cause trouble for them.

The other major powerhouses who noticed it snorted at them were different, as they looked unfeelingly at those powerless people devoured by the bats. Even though they have the means to help, they simply look coldly, and their eyes were even a little excited.

“Hmmp, they could barely hold on, yet they dare to help others,” an arrogant young lady said scornfully.

She already noticed the appearance of those three ladies, and she couldn’t help but feel jealous. Thankfully, they already have children. Even so, she still doesn’t like them.

She just came here because she heard Lan Feng would be here as well. She accidentally saw his real face and couldn’t help thinking about him all day long. He also noticed him taking to Yu Yue closely earlier, and she was full of jealousy.

While no one was paying attention, she shot an arrow, aiming at Yu Yue.

“swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! ”With a swoosh, three arrows pierced through the air and speeded towards Yu Yue’s head. They were following each other.

“crashed! Crashed! ”The first arrow shattered the second layer barrier, and the next one also shattered the first layer barrier.

The third arrow followed suit, and it was about to hit you in the head.

Yu Yue noticed the arrow, but she couldn’t dodge it; if she did, it would hit Xue'er in the back. She also noticed the oddity about the arrows. It seems like it’s a high-grade artifact, as it could easily shatter a barrier.

“yu yue! ”Xue'er and Hua'er said anxiously.

“clang! ”You quickly flew as she used her strings to create a net to block the arrow. She was able to block the arrow, but the force was so great that she staggered and spat a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that, Xue'er also uses her strings to add extra protection and support her. She looked in the direction where the arrow came.

“Hmmp, how despicable,” Hua'er sneered coldly as she grabbed the arrow barehanded, used Xue's strings, and fired it in the exact direction where it came from. The trajectory was so precise, and the force has doubled, so the speed has also doubled.

“zang! ”With a zang, the strings quivered as they were stretched to their maximum.

“bang! ”With a loud bang accompanied by a woman’s cries of payment, the arrow hit her shoulder and she was nailed into a tree.

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