Chapter 523: Having Designs (2)

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On Bai Chen Yu’s side, after entering the palace, he directly meets with the emperor.

“Your Majesty, your General has returned,” Bai Chen Yu kneeled as he said piously.

“Rise, let me have a good look at you, child,” the emperor said, full of smiles. He was close to Bai Chen Yu as he is his nephew.

Bai Chen Yu stood up and raised his head, his expression normal. The emperor didn’t mind, as he’s always been cold to others, ever since he was young.

“good, good! I believed you already found the person you've been waiting for since you already returned,” the emperor laughed joyously.

He admires young talents, so he valued Bai Chen Yu, plus he was the disciple of the immortal, which makes him more valuable. The emperor didn’t know that he was poisoned; he only knew that his master took him to the temple to wait for his future wife. The emperor was also doubtful, but since it was the immortal who said so, then it must be the case.

“Yes, your majesty, I have already brought her to the capital with me,” Bai Chen Yu replied.

“That’s great; I’m relieved that you can finally settle down. If my sister and brotherr-inlaw were still around, they would be joyful as well,” the emperor sighed regretfully.

Bai Chen Yu didn’t say anything; she just stood there quietly.

“Alright, you’ve been traveling for a long time." Have a rest first and bring that girl over next time so we can meet each other.” The emperor dismissed him, so he left quickly after thanking him.

To be honest, the emperor would really like to ask about the matter regarding the state preceptor's daughter, but sensing that he was tired, he couldn’t bear to. These days, the grand preceptor has been pressuring him with this matter, and he could only find many reasons to delay the matter. But since Bai Chen Yu is back, it can’t be delayed anymore.

On the other side, Pei Lianran already received the news that Bai Chen Yu was back, so she quickly visited her aunt, the empress.

“Aunt, you promised to help me with Bai Chen Yu. My reputation has been lost already,” she said, feeling  aggrieved.

“Haist, don’t worry, Aunt will help you. Besides, I’ve heard his majesty would like to meet that wild girl. I’ll arrange it so we can be clear with that woman and deal with her accordingly.” The empress narrowed her eyes shrewdly.

“Hmm, I’ll listen to Aunt,” Pei Lianran said coyly as she linked hands with the empress like a spoiled child. The empress has no daughter, so she pampered this niece of hers.

At the same time, on another side. The first prince was discussing it with his confidant.

“You say he’s back in the capital? Did he really find a wife in the temple? ”The first prince said it with a sneer.

“Yes, your highness,” his confidant said.

“Tch, what kind of person could he find? It must be some country bumpkin with no status or power,” the first prince said, full of disdain.

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