Chapter 497: Blind luck (3)

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While the two of them were busy playing chess to decide the unlucky one, they didn’t notice that they were both unlucky as a blue bird flapped its wings while dispelling an odorless knockout medicine.

When they realized that something was amiss, their eyes already rolled out, and with a thud, the two of them lay motionlessly.

“Bring them in, smear their faces with dirt, and keep their things after sealing their cultivation. Make them temporarily mute as well; once they wake up, let them do hard work for three days,” Ming Yu Xue said coldly as she left without even looking back.

“Yes, eldest miss,” they said, listening to her orders and doing everything accordingly.

The next day, the two handsome men were reduced to slaves. Duan Haoyang tried to say something, but he found out he was mute.

Li Haoran noticed something was wrong with him, and he also tried speaking, and he almost cried when no words came out. Bad premonition was dancing above his head when he tried to check his cultivation, and he could only curse loudly in his head, ‘damn! ’

“Go eat, then come out after to do your work,” a burly man said as he tried to intimidate the two who looked at him angrily.

‘Heh, blame yourselves for offending the first miss’ Yu Shu Tian said as he enjoyed the role of a bully.

The two of them were disobedient at first, but when they saw them execute people, they were scared silly for the first time, and they quietly cooperated.

Of course, the execution was just for show. Those were people they captured from the northern faction.

The two of them felt like crying but had no tears. They couldn’t help blaming each other for why they ended up like this.

Instead of verbal fighting, they fought using their gazes, and they could understand each other very well at that.

“Since you guys keep glaring at each other, why don’t I poke your eyeballs? "Yu Shu Tian said fiercely like a big bully; his subordinates could only look away as they could tell he enjoyed acting so much. They have no idea at all.

“...” The two looked at him speechlessly as they shook their heads like a rattle drum. They find it odd that they seemed to be the only two slaves in this group; others seemed to have been working willingly and eagerly, but they have no way of knowing since they can’t speak and no one would be so kind to explain it to them.

“Heh, if you don’t want to be chopped up next, then work obediently,” Yu Shutian snorted. He even worked harder on his acting because the eldest miss praised his hard work yesterday, so he was working even harder today.

“The  two looked at him speechlessly; they were obedient, okay? They couldn’t even utter a fart. They could only nod sensibly as they hung their heads low.

A week later, the two of them look lifeless, although they haven’t gotten beaten up or injured in some other way. Aside from Yu Shu Tian ordering them around and doing hard labor, they were only given tasteless, hard food that not even dogs were willing to pay a second glance.

They tried to get along with others, but they were always given a cold shoulder. Aside from the big bully, no one else wants to talk to them, let alone get close to them.

This was considered the most miserable episode of their lives.

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