Chapter 414: Welcome greetings (5)

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“You all have done well and went beyond my expectations,” Yu Yue said approvingly.

“The master has praised us too highly.” Qing Yu bowed, his eyes turning into crescents.

“You deserved it. Go clean yourselves and have a rest. I have a very important assignment for you and these fair maidens.” Her eyes gleamed as she realized how war musicians could turn the battlefields.

“Yes, we thank the master.” Du Hua and Qing Yu bowed gratefully; they finally felt like they were useful. They have been helping a lot since they joined Bright Moon Palace, but this time it feels different.

The fair maidens were also happy; they were all working in the brothels and didn’t really have much fighting or other practical skills. They were good at their craft and performances, though, and they finally found ways to use them aside from pleasing bulgarian men all day long.

Currently in Medicine City, Liu Yi is leading people from the alchemist guild and the mercenaries under the guild.

“Hmmp, didn’t news about that woman’s wild child spread? You guys find a way to sneak in and get that wild child for me.” Liu Yi narrowed her eyes maliciously. She’s been here for three days already, and they weren’t able to breach Medicine City at all.

“Yes, Lady Liu,” the medicine elder nodded as he gave out orders.

Liu Yi never expected Ming Yu Xue to send troops in advance to intercept them; now they can’t even get near her fortress.

Ming Yu Xue’s army is composed of people from the Twin Moon Sect and Little Cheng Shi’s Sword Fang Army.

“Shi'er, you should just stay in the fortress with me. I’m sure Captain Ye can handle those people,” Ming Yu Xue said as she rubbed his head.

“But big sister Xue, I want to help them.” Cheng Shi pursed his lips; he was really worried, as he really likes and cares for them.

“Alright, how about this? We can go there together, but I have to prepare some things first.” Ming Yu Xue compromised.

“Alright, I’ll wait for big sister Xue,” Cheng Shi cheered excitedly.

On the other hand, Shui Xian Zi just sat there quietly, playing with the black turtle.

As for Hao Hao, he was playing with Ming Zi Mo and the two red little pandas. Xing Er’s lips twitch; now they also have to take care of these little pandas since they were just babies. In the room, there’s little Zi Mo, taken care of by Ming Yu Xue personally, and two cute pandas who have a maid of their own.

“Secret master, you have a guest,” a maid reported.

“Who?” Ming Yu Xue raised her brows; she was not expecting anyone, especially at this time.

“It’s young master Li.” Before the maid could finish her sentence, Ming Yu Xue’s expression turned unsightly.

“Any suspicious people without invitation entering my estate should be killed on the spot,” she ordered coldly.

“Yes, my apologies, sect master,” the maid said as she delivered the order to kill.

Li Haoran, who was standing outside uneasily, heard the words he was least happy to hear.

“Guards, the master has ordered to kill any suspicious people without invitation trying to enter the residence,” the maid also said coldly.

Instantly, all forces in the residence were mobilized and started the onslaught.

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