CHAPTER 553: Fetch (2)

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“Who are you people? ”The third elder asked coldly.

“...” Hong Mei and the others didn’t even look at him, let alone spare him a couple of words.

“Hey, do you hear me? ”The third elder said with a dark expression. He was a dignified elder, so when has he ever suffered such humiliation.?

“Ohmy, big brother, did you hear something? "Zhao Beng tilted her head.

“no! ”Zhao said flatly.

“It must be someone farting,” Zhao Beng said doubtfully, making the pissed-off third elder seethe with anger.

“You dammed little girl! ”The third elder exploded as he released his pressure.

He keeps releasing his pressure, but nothing happened to them at all; they didn’t even look at him.

“Is that a wind? "Zhao Beng asked teasingly. She was wearing her black mask, and it could resist pressure, so she’s still jumping around, angering the third elder to death.

“...” the third elder, he almost vomitted blood as his face contorted with rage while realizing his pressure to its maximum.

“You ugly thing! You just scared my little black turtle! "Suddenly, Shui Xiao Zi turned her head coldly as her figure sitting in the huge blue crystal floated out of the ship. She didn’t have any expression as she held a black turtle in her lap.

“preposterous! How dare you say such things?” the third elder jumped from anger as he pointed at Shui Xiao Zi.

Everyone saw a beautiful figure clad in a gorgeous palace dress, her blue eyes looking at the third elder without any emotion.

“Hong Mei, can I kill this ugly thing? I don’t like him at all,” Shui Xiao Zi asked without looking at Hong  Mei.

“Princess Shui, do as you please,” Hong Mei said helplessly.

Just as everyone heard his voice, a black turtle opened his mouth, and a powerful spirit attack hit the third elder, who was sent away like a broken kite.

“Ahhhh,” everyone heard a scream as they witnessed the third elder get dug in a pit. He looks miserable without any arrogance left.

“Everyone,, can you be so direct?

“cough! You dammed girl, I’ll kill you today! ”The third elder choked as he climbed out of the pit, his clothes torn as he condensed a spirit energy aiming at shui xian zi.

“Oh, you’re still alive,” Shui Xiao Zi said thoughtfully. She then realized something. “Natureally, my little turtle is still young,” she nodded, agreeing to herself.

“...” everyone; they didn’t agree at all. It’s because the third elder was strong.

“Hmmp, that won’t be enough to bring me down,” the third elder sneered as he launched an attack.

Without moving, the third elder’s attacks were blocked by a spirit barrier effortlessly. He knit his brows as he started getting serious. He was shocked when, after so long, he didn’t land a single hit at all. He can’t even approach her within two meters.

“Is that all? "Shui Xiao Zi put her fingertips on her lips as she asked innocently; her tone was slightly dissapointed. She was waiting for him to do something earth-shattering, but he just keeps launching boring attacks.

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