Chapter 412: Welcome greetings (3)

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“These people are really roaches." Lady lady Shu raised her brows as she forcibly separated them. The surging soldiers were sent to Du Hua and Qing Yu to be dealt with.

“You all, clean those chambers,” she ordered the crane maidens as she sent them there after deactivating all the traps. The next moment, her and Yu Yue’s figures were teleported to where Liu Yu and the third elder were.

“How do you guys like our welcome greetings?” Yu Yue’s playful voice sounded as she looked at the two’s sorry state.

“You bitch, you’ll pay for this,” Liu Yu cussed, but the next thing he knew, his body couldn’t move.

“Hmm, were you saying something?” Lady Shan Shu smiled at him murderously. The two look at the two women with masks. Lady Shan Shuo now has a half-gold, half-black crane mask only covering her eyes, while Yu Yue has a plain black mask.

“Hehe, leave him to me,” yu yue giggled as little purple’s vines wrapped around Liu Yu and oozed with acidic liquid, slowly but painfully melting Liu Yu’s skin.

“Knee!” The third elder tried to help, but before he could move, he heard a powerful voice in his head, and his knees plopped to the ground, loudly breaking his kneecap in the process.

His eyes widened in disbelief, just like Liu Yu's. He couldn’t move his body or make any sound.

“Oh, you lost an eye?” Yu Yue asked in surprise, but her lips were smiling.

“Ah, it doesn’t matter; with or without the other eye, your head shall roll back to the Liu clan together with the third elder's.” She narrowed her eyes as she said those words casually.

These people don’t deserve her mercy; they have been tormenting her family for a long time. She usually let go of her enemies as long as they didn’t commit something too abominable.

Lady Shan Shou smiled; she and the other celestial guardians were worried that their master had become too soft-hearted in this lifetime.

“Master, can I have their souls?” The bell on her wrist rang lightly. It likes evil souls the most.

“Oh, I almost forgot. That thing likes to feed on the most evil souls.” Yu Yue nodded her head.

The two who could only move their eyes were petrified; they tried to struggle as their souls were forcibly pulled out of their bodies. The pain was inexplicable.

Their bodies without souls twitched on the ground, but they were still alive, but they didn’t have any consciousness at all.

Cut his head, then cut yours after you get back to your clan. Oh, but before you cut your own head, you should blow up your patriarch’s estate first. Lady Shan Shu’s voice reverberated in the third elder’s mind.

Their bodies stood up like mindless puppets, and she teleported them out of the dragon plains. They were found by their clansmen and brought back to their clan residence.

“Lady Shan Shou, what did you tell them to do?” Yu Yue asked curiously.

“Hehe, something I’ve always wanted to do to them since they keep hindering my operations. But I just got the chance since the master prohibits me to casually use my abilities. You will receive some good news later.” Lady Shan Shu giggled as they both went to check on Du Hua and Qing Yu.

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